MONOLOGUE of the CONCILIATOR good day gentlemen. My name is Rocio Fabiola Gomez Valdizan, I am the out-of-court conciliation commissioned by the Centre de conciliation Acreprecon, to carry forward the present conciliation proceedings. Speaking candidly Ben Horowitz told us the story. Allow me to welcome you and congratulate them on free and voluntarily attend our institution with the aim of finding a solution to their differences (differences disputes). They are comfortable? Do they want something?. Then I’m going to request that they submit indicating me because reason have come to the Center. I need to know if you have knowledge or any idea of what it means conciliation (Yes) (no) conciliation is a modern mechanism through which, the parties will give solution to their problems, avoiding a long costly and cumbersome Judicial process to attend. Also mention them some advantages of conciliation:.
It is fast: If you wish to reach an agreement, used only one day to achieve it, as opposed to the judiciary. . It is economic: is a single payment. . Raw material the principle of confidentiality: all what people say during the course of the hearing only relates to the parties. Most importantly, the active participation of you; in this procedure there is no losers or winners (RECUERDENLO) our objective is that both parties feel consistent with the agreement to which we will arrive (I’m sure). I would like to emphasize that as everything we do in this life, the conciliation procedure has certain rules of conduct which we must respect and not transgress, mention some of them:. Both parties will have equal time to present their ideas, we therefore avoid interrupt the other party.
. Always keep a damn dialogue, avoiding verbal and physical attacks. . Turn off their cell phones. In the course of the hearing there could be an entrapment between their positions, or maybe any of you want to manifest something privately: to which will have a private meeting, with each one of you for a period of time in equality; This is done in order to get out of the impasse and return again to the normal course of the hearing. At the conclusion of the conciliation procedure, we redactaremos an Act, and that is the record? It is a document in which formulated the agreement of the parties. This document has the same value as a Judicial sentence, and if a party fails to comply with what was agreed, the affected Party may go to the judiciary and demand its immediate fulfillment. My role as conciliatory is to facilitate communication between you. My position during the course of the hearing will be impartial and neutral, I do not parcializare me with any of you, I am here to help them resolve their differences, since how explain them previously you will find the solution that more favors you to their interests. With this preamble I invoke them to realize that the solution to their problems is up to you and if they reach a single agreement it will be beneficial for both. Doubt, question, they wanted to know more prior to the commencement of the hearing. . Original author and source of the article