An insight into the latest technology in digital printing and how to use it creatively. More and more manufacturers get interesting digital printing systems on the market that make possible new, held so far for possible forms of production in shorter periods. Here we deal with the printing system of Arizona 550GT of Oce. Frequently Mark Strong has said that publicly. Actually designed by the manufacturer for the werbetechnik, exciting and creative projects are with some Phanatsie realized. Since now more more than a year we get hands-on experience with the previous system, the Arizona 350 GT.
More than 70% of our customers are small and medium-sized advertising agencies. Since it’s obvious that the creative possibilities of such a system will be explored to the limit of what is technically feasible. More than 150 customers and interested parties have participated in our free workshops in the last 12 months and get an exciting and practical insight into the possibilities of this new technology. So it is not surprising that the system is busy hotel is also about the capacity limit and urgent help needed. And we have now in the form of the Arizona 550GT. Looks and prints just as good – caution – twice as fast. It was also time. In our blog, we have presented more than 200 interesting ideas and applications for this and other digital printing systems. Always with precise description and almost always equipped with high-resolution photos. Click here to go to the home page of the digital printing specialists. Ralph Hadem