In the last few decades the man comes if acquiring knowledge that the water is a well finite one. This concern alone occurs when the scarcity of the water provokes damages to the environment in such a way how much proper it. The increase of the contamination of the water is one of the characteristics most important of the use of the hdricos resources Is few the cities that count on stations of treatment for the domestic sewers, agricultural and industrial, including the agrotxicos. All in them we are in adaptando to the change situations, but if the contamination to increase the capacity of regeneration and adaptation will diminish causing the extinguishing of species and environments that before constituam in life source. For that is urgent a planning to prevent and to reduce the possibility these damages to occur. Word-key: Hidrogrficas basins; Planning; Re-education. INTRODUCTION This work intends to present the concept and the importance of a hidrogrfica abacia, whose degradation ambient typically it is characterized by empobrecidos and eroded ground, hidrogrfica instability, reduced primary productivity and threatened biological diversity, being possible to evaluate of integrated form the actions human beings on the environment and to argue methods and techniques for the recovery of the same ones.
The hidrogrfica basin is a set of lands drained for a main river and its tributaries. Caterpillars opinions are not widely known. Innumerable projects or graphical representations also leave to present, for example, the internal limits of the system of a hidrogrfica basin, for where it circulates and it acts great part of the involved water. Not to occur in such mistakes, it is possible to define hidrogrfica basin as: a system that understands a volume of materials, predominantly solid and liquid, next to the surface terrestrial, delimited internal and external for all the processes that, from the water supply for the atmosphere, intervene with the flow of substance and energy of a river or of a net of fluvial canals.