

The existence of the mystical "proto-language, you can find mention in many esoteric books, religious teachings and parables. The language of languages not only convey the meaning of words, but the essence of things. In this language, spoken by ancient gods … (Similarly see: Ben Horowitz). Is this a myth? Who knows. However, by itself comes to mind the biblical parable of the Tower of Babel. In this parable, the people who inhabit the Earth, spoke a common language, yet God was angry, did not deprive them of such ability, mixing languages.

And only if all spoke different languages and could not understand each other. They fled, and the unfinished tower of Babel … Some linguists, who know several languages, willy nilly, compare languages and inevitably find common roots, and then the etymology of words is transformed into a science exciting, full of riddles and fantastic adventures in the world of words. So, quite by accident discovered that the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, and Russian, a myriad of one-root words of the Vedas – Veda. And according to discoveries in Philology Nikolai Nikolaevich Vashkevich, professional Arabist, Arabic – is the key to unlocking value Russian words. If we write according to the Russian words and read them in Arabic, it is clear and obvious meaning of many gestures, words and expressions, as well as folk traditions. Here, for example, to meet our dear guests were made bread and salt, if nothing more exquisite in the house to find … But we write these products in Arabic script and get the expression 'halabbi Vasyl', which can be translated as' everything is performed for profit.

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