

6. Enlargement of the catchment area. Through exercises designed to that end, the efficient reader expands your catchment area. In the time that previously captured one or two syllables, will now capture full sentences. Your reading will not only take an enormous speed, also this form of capture allows you to better understand the meaning of what you are reading.

7 Concentration. Only through a fluent reading the reader manages to establish a full connection with the text, eliminating thoughts unrelated to the topic and other distractions and, therefore, sufficient concentration that allows an optimal understanding. 8. Abundant reading. Conquered the inefficient read locks, quick reader, almost without exception, reports that after the training reads much more than before. Adults, children and young people with very poor reading habits discovered, using the method, a new interesting and wonderful world. The excuses and evasions vanish, to disappear the difficulty and inefficiency. 9 Wide vocabulary.

Efficient reader, as you read more, acquire more vocabulary. In addition, through training, it has acquired awareness of the enormous need to learn and master more vocabulary every day by what develops strategies for continuous improvement. 10 Want to read and read. The efficient reader, to have cast aside the obstacles of time and poor understanding and poor retention, reading what you want and want to read more. The rapid reading method to go from being an inefficient reader to be an efficient reader, get the following three goals: read faster. Better understand. Remember everything. A fast reading course It is an investment of time and money that pays off life. Do not leave it for later. By Jose R. Fortuno President NILVEM the author is President of NILVEM, new rapid reading Institute, study and memory, an institution that specializes in the development of methods and efficient study techniques. More information on. This text can be reproduced freely, provided remains the last paragraph.

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