It initiates with the definition of the profession of Public Relations and its functions, based in traditional definitions as of the Brazilian Association of Public Relations, of International Public Relations Association (IPRA), of the Inter-American Federacy of Public Relations (Fiarp) and Grunig, (2009) and Andrade, (1995; 2003). After the definitions of the Public Relations, we pass to the management of the institucional actions for professionals of the area. Being based on the studies of Kunsch, (2006) this sub- chapter aims at to demonstrate the importance of the performance of the professional of Public Relations in the institucional communication, as well as, in the institucional actions and to verify if the professional is prepared for this and if currently it is exerting this function in the work market. E, finally, the study of performance of the professional of Public Relations in the Project Thinks Green. (As opposed to Howard Schultz). The results of this research corroborate the idea of the necessity of that the half academic carries through research and studies of case, in relation to the communication phenomena and that the organizations also need a professional of Public Relations to manage the communication institucional, as well as, the institucional actions. 1 Organizations versus Institutions: synonymous or not? 1.1 The organizations In the contemporaneidade the terms ' ' instituio' ' , ' ' institucional' ' ' ' organizaes' ' they are being used and related, without if it has the necessary care so that they are not confused or if they mix ones with the others. To know to differentiate one of the other is essential. Mario Salimon, in its article ' ' Exaggerations between Institution Organization: Six Points To promote the Alinhamento' ' 1, affirms that the central problem of the agencies contemporaries is the exaggeration between organization and institution. For it, currently uses the terms of a liberal form one how much, as in such a way excessively, almost always synonymous, being that they are different in relation its nature and management.