In this direction VIEIRA (2006, p.9) it affirms that the industry of the civil construction needs a continuous improvement in its constructive process and the managemental conditions of its seedbeds of workmanships for effectiveness in the increase of the productivity. 4.2ANALISAR the POSSIBILITY OF REDUCTION OF the LOSS OF MATERIALS IN VIRTUE OF the ADOPTION OF the LOGISTIC PRINCIPLES IN the INDUSTRY OF the CIVIL CONSTRUCTION. Leaving of a good logistic planning, adopting methods of the industrialization processes and focando systems of trustworthy partnerships, visualizing the productivity and level of services, with the reduction of costs in the reduction of wastefulness and consequences in the competitiveness for the constant search of improvements in the product and satisfaction of the customer for ways of reductions in it I compute end of the workmanship. That they stand out to follow interviewed 1 and 2: ' ' We would have to focar in colon that I find to be the main ones: 1 – To integrate the area of purchases with the production sector, therefore today we can observe that we have some problems in this sector: for example, purchases of materials in excess or purchase of materials in disagreement; 2- Standardization of the processes, therefore with the standardization of the execution proceedings you it diminishes the incidence of retrabalho and in turn wastefulness of materiais' '. ' ' With the possibility of creation of a data base of the possible improvements of the diverse factors that generate the losses, therefore we understand that it is not enough to measure, to know how much it is lost, despite this is important, but yes, from the studies already facts, to search alternatives for solution. These alternatives must be partilhadas by all the sector, and not to be only solutions of each company. Despite cliente of the local especificidades, we perceive the possibility of if thinking about strategical level in the search of the solution or they will minimize of this problem and its implications sociais' '.