Just like what was already stated by Stephen, you can not compare their situation, and in general, its sector in Spain, with the U.S. company. – You are a quiet child, but with my support, but they sure do not need it, you know what these Americans, a disaster, but nothing much marketing behind it, nothing to do with us, however, the situation remains complicated, so Esteban going back to see his family, and requests the support of his father. Rigoberto is not very clear, and involved his wife and mother Esteban (Oh mother is that there is only one!). Electrolux has firm opinions on the matter. – Gobi, help your son, is the best we can do. – Yes, I suppose it does respond Rigoberto.
Pruden, Stephen’s sister, does not seem too happy. What ails you, child? asked Rigoberto. – Whenever you help Stephen, in contrast to me, so much as I need it, do not give me no regrets. – Daughter, I will help because I think Stephen is best for the family, you know that if things go well it will go well for you. – I do not know, I do not see clear answers Pruden. I’ve gotten into some lively business by Stephen, but now that he is wrong, you help him, and me nothing, I understand.
– Quiet, Rigoberto Pruden replied. You’ll see, if things go well for him, you have no problem. So Rigoberto personal debt, borrow money and supports her son Stephen, but he uses it to cover the many holes the best you can. His sister Pruden waiting to see if he plays some of the money promised Casting Esteban Coronado, in the role. Rigoberto Coronado, Gobi for friends in the government’s role lender and guarantor. The mother in the role of all the gurus who predicted that injecting money into the banking sector, it would flow to the rest of the system. Pruden, the role of SMEs expect to reach them government money or the Banks-to no avail Pablo Rodriguez is a graduate in Business Administration, Auditing postgraduate in MBA and Master, passionate world of economics and management business.