

When boredom invades us don’t know you do to get out of that situation. There are times that even we have no forces or strategies to even consider doing anything else. The easiest thing is still let go and end up watching television. What can you do by us creativity in such cases? That’s the question that gives meaning to everything this. Creativity is the antidote to boredom. Leisure, to be rewarding, needs creativity, and creativity, to develop needs time. Most of the creative geniuses developed his work outside their jobs, in their leisure time.

In many of these cases the activity began as a hobby. When we do something that we like and we are motivated by that activity we enter what is called a flow. A State of flux would be dedicating, first consciously and then unconsciously, all your abilities and attention to service of the task that you are performing currently. The conception of time changes and they can spend hours without that we perceive it as such. The flow is necessary for self-realization, and this to happiness. As you can be seen, the difference between moving from a passive state (active re) to a State of happiness, in many cases, is a matter of attitude, that creativity starts with a motivation towards something, a positive attitude to try to do something with your life. So, try to be creative, do not think that this is for the geniuses (already desmitificaremos this on another occasion), and build our lives as we want.

It may be that behind every hobby this hidden our future, since all possess talents which we didn’t even suspect, and they are these that we must enhance, whatever. The important aspect is finding it, try, don’t quit when things, adopt a posture of openness towards the world, promoting curiosity which is one of the keys to creativity. By doing this we will be giving meaning to our lives, since we’ll be choosing what really want to do and only thus will be happy.

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