Thus for example, Ricardo said: the whole value of articles of the colonist and the manufacturing one is divided in two single portions; one constitutes the benefits of the capital, whereas another one is consecrated in the wage of the workers. If a manufacturer gives always his merchandise by the same sum of money, 1,000 pounds, for example, their benefits will depend on the price of the necessary work for their manufacture. They will be smaller then, with wages of 800 pounds that with wages of 600. r. As the wages rise, by simple logic, the benefits will diminish. Smith also said on the subject: In the primitive state that precedes to the appropriation of earth and the accumulation of the capitals, the whole product of the work belongs to the worker. There is proprietor nor no owner with whom must distribute (the Wealth of the Nations). If this state had continued, the wage or the natural reward of the work would have increased as their productive faculties had acquired all the improvements that the division of the work generates today. Say defines to the worker like the one that rents its industrial capacity or sells its work and therefore, resigns to its industrial benefits by a wage (Tried about Economy policy).
By methodologic and chronological convenience of this Seminary, so far we will dedicate ourselves to speak with the greater possible clarity of the subjects treated in the three first chapters of the section first: the merchandise and the currency. It is the object that instead of being consumed by the producer, is destined on sale to the change or, is the elementary form of the wealth of the societies in which the regime of capitalist production reigns. The merchandise are, first of all, an object, a thing that thanks to its properties satisfies human needs with the type which they were.