The institutions that are anchored and maintained with the same behavior for years are stunted, needs to change. CMV is presents the University of Carabobo a great opportunity to reaffirm its eclipsed role which in recent years has been providing, and that has seriously affected academically, that excellence which we have fought for years, to which we have committed ourselves of safeguard, in order to collaborate with those teachers who really feel responsible forprovide knowledge to be provided to participants who opt to become a creditor of a title that favours him in their performance and provide its collaboration with the development of the country. To all this is added, the characteristics of a scenario turbulent, uncertain, in process of changes, which generates risk, uncertainty, product of its policy, a revolutionary Government instability Bolivarian undertaken by the exploits of developing a socialism of this century, taking steps to actions that are not shared by a significant part of its inhabitants and which requires that universities are ruling given this reality, before these new transformations, exposing his views to step to the programs that the country really needs. Indeed, requiring new leaders capable of generating change, interpret the challenges, give in the midst of this atmosphere steeped in shadows, step programs, strategies, actions that guarantee beneficial results for all. Thus, engineer Victor Reyes Lance chooses to the rectorship of the University of Carabobo accompanied iron team, composed of professionals Dr. Pedro Villaroel for academic vice-rector; Dr.
Antonio Caralli administrative Vice-Chancellor and Dr. Antonio Dominguez, Secretary Pro option. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Alphabet and gain more knowledge.. Team proposed renewing the University of Carabobo, which has now lost its way and driving down that road of necessary transformation that excellence academic and research; rescue have a more dynamic participation to the various problems facing the country, the region, put has the talent, human capital to do so.