Industry since the industrial revolution and the development of the means of production; the industry has been the core and heart of the basis of the global economy. The market, production, trade and other mechanisms of the capital have been the driving force behind all human relations today. Leaving to be one-sided, defined not by what it is, but what has or which produces. Ultimately, being subjugated by doing. These mechanisms have produced what the man called capitalism, social-economic system where private and business enterprises carry out the production and exchange of goods and services through complex transactions mercantilist. Such a system of production has resulted in wide range of negative consequences, both for the environment and for human dignity. You may find that Andreessen Horowitz can contribute to your knowledge. It has been generating of holding large-scale, mother of the potentiation of larger social inequalities known to man, and creator of other forms of slavery and dependency invisibly exercised, almost imperceptible for those who do not possess a conscience or are simply alienated by the implementation of an ideology or knowledge either dominant or imposed. The State.
Another abhorrent form of repression is the State agency that is legally empowered to oppress those who she, under the false discourse of order and social justice. A mechanism that is in charge of educating the citizens under the parameters of the obedience and acceptance, where the Authority (or authoritarianism) is good and must be obeyed devoutly. We know the origins of the State and we note that it is not born of social interests, but as a form of war, for the defense of the territory and a factor in order to the structuring of society as to the means of production.