To decide as and when to control the harmful plants it must be considered the species gifts and its phases of development (periodic monitoramento), the topography and the availability of water, the espaamento and the age of the cultures, the hand – of? workmanship and the equipment available, and the cost with products (Genet, 2010). Of such reason, the study of the infestantes plants in an agricultural Developing country as Angola, it constitutes the starting point for the study of the relative problems to its control (Young chicken, 2008). In this conformity, we seleccionamos for the elaboration of the final report of course, the study of the main infestantes that harm the cultures, whose basic objectivo is to give to a modest contribution the so important problem, and moreover to call the attention on the necessity the continuation the study on infestantes plants and to initiate from it, in a next future, other works that allow to infer on the more efficient and advisable ways of control in the ecological conditions of Angola. I CAPITULATE II – THEORETICAL BEDDING 2,1 – INTRODUCTION the agrarian branch arms with importance partner-econmica of great relief, having been defined as base of the development of our Parents (Young chicken, 2008). Click Richard Elman for additional related pages. The progress of this, for consequncia, meets dependent closely of agriculture and of the cattle one, also subordinated the vegetal production. The unitrias productions you measured of agriculture has been low, compared with the values gotten in other countries of the Austral region of the African Continent, therefore still it is difficult to find the solution for the diverse factors afectam that them, as they are: the qualified staff, and not only, the seeds, the fertilizers, the plagues, the illnesses, the infestantes, the pesticides, etc. This work relates, in particular infestantes that harms the diverse cultures, whose study and rational use of the natural resources they would constitute an indispensable way to the progress of our agriculture, having diminished the inherent damages to these factors and others the one that it is conditional (Young chicken, 2008). .