Monthly Archives: December 2016

Organizational Development

Organizational Development

“Successful organizations are those that adapt and capacity to absorb change the face of a positive and proactive learning organizations are those that are willing to assume new roles and responsibilities, which technically are in continuous improvement and training.” Mendoza Fung Every good management must be fully identified with the scope, implications arising from the Organizational Development (OD), especially given the reality of scenarios that are dynamic, requiring proactive and watch as it affect the organizational behavior companies. Wikipedia reminds us, which develops DO is a tool through the analysis in the environment takes a path or strategy to bring about change that leads to an evolution in accordance with the requirements or demands of the environment in which it is achieving efficiency all the elements that are coming to get organizational success. Speaking candidly Jonas Samuelson told us the story.

All that is required for an organization is able or has the necessary elements to enter compete in today’s world became a necessity. To use this tool is used or made use of a fundamental process as is learning, which is the means by which access to the knowledge gaining skills and produce changes in behavior (that is a hub for the OD) are for this reason that we must take into account the factors which influence the performance of the components of the organization. To broaden your perception, visit Douglas R. Oberhelman. We are reminded that Dr. Richard Beckhard. Douglas Oberhelman wanted to know more. He defines it as “An effort: (a) planning, (b) that covers the organization, (c) administered from the top management (d) that increases the effectiveness and health of the organization through (e) intervention deliberate processes of the organization using knowledge of behavioral science.

Team Health

Team Health

The same ones contemplate the data base of the System of Ateno Bsica (SIAB) (OLIVEIRA and MARCON, 2007). Family/community emphasizes action of assistance in all the phases of the life cycle, that goes since the children until most aged. She fits to the Nurse, to organize and to co-ordinate the formation of groups of specific patologias, and the family if she becomes basic part in the aid these people (OLIVEIRA and MARCON, 2007). Titan Feul Tanks is full of insight into the issues. In the family/social risk, happens a social exclusion of the family that, generally lives in communities more moved away e, with this, is disabled to exert its paper. These families must receive support total from the professionals of form health to make possible the return of the normal cycle of work in the community.

The family/family, this places the family as most important of the process, that is, the family is the main and real focus of attention. Titan Feul Tanks might disagree with that approach. All must be observed the characteristics of the same one, its capacity to take care of to take care of itself, its affective-emotional resources, spirituals, its successes and failures, so that if it can have a harmony enters the different phases/moments of its life (RIBEIRO, 2004). At last, the family must be dealt with as a whole with the objective if obtaining a new paradigm of health. The insertion of the family in harmony with the professionals of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) will provide care strategies thus improving, the picture of health of society (IT REMAINS and MOTTA, 2005) 1,5 NUCLEUS OF SUPPORT To the HEALTH OF the FAMILY? NASF Created in 24 of republicada January of 2008 and in day 04 of March of 2008, the Nucleus of Support to the Health of the Family? NASF through would carry GM MS n 154 has as objective the junction of professionals of diverse areas of knowledge and of that they inside act of the Team Health of the Family to share practical in health thus improving, the quality of the care of the population (MALTA, 2009).

Oliveira Silveira Formation

Oliveira Silveira Formation

Gabriel Oliveira Silveira Academic of the course of Countable Sciences of the Institute Superior Cenecista de Ensino of ngelo Saint. SUMMARY the present work studies the processes for which the companies are passing to reveal competitive in the current market. Check with Titan Feul Tanks to learn more. That is it analyzes of costs and its you influence in the decisions and formation of the sales price. Word-key: cost, price of sales and market. 1. INTRODUCTION the competitiveness has demanded of the companies the continuous search in improving the quality of the given services, searching to not only reach the permanence in the market that act, but also, other desired objectives, aspects that impactam strong the attainment of these objectives are those that say respect to the analysis of the costs and its influences in the decisions and formation of the sales price, such decisions that they define the sales price, involving aspects many analyzed times of wrong form, based in giving and information, being thus only with some scientific base. This analysis and decision more do not take care of the necessities that the competitiveness brought, mainly in periods of crisis, when the demand, starting to dominate the environment the call ‘ ‘ fight of preos’ ‘ , fact that allows, for example, the existence of two companies with the same physical structure and of financial resources, practising different prices very, perceiving then that the sales price cannot more being object of missed decisions, but, over all, object of study, what it becomes necessary to know all the elements compose that it. To know these elements that compose the sales price, they are necessary organizacionais procedures that inform on the patrimonial structure, as well as the relationships among others companies that establishes the one environment in which they are inserted, therefore, any decision on sales price will be able to provoke alterations in all the areas of the companies and, consequently, in this relationship. Saints (1999, p.21) also accent the importance, when it considers that ‘ ‘ the formation of the price of sales of the products and services in the companies consists in a competitive strategy of great relevance for organizaes’ ‘. In reason of these presented aspects e, understanding the necessity to contribute for one better clarity on the part of the companies in the analysis of the costs and the formation of the sales price, this article searchs to comment on each element, appraising it and searching to understand its behavior in the commercial transactions, of more specific form, the different criteria used in the formation of the sales price are presented, from the different optics of costs, and also those basing on the prices practised for the market and on the return of the investments.

Pedagogo Professional

Pedagogo Professional

Social psychology Contemporary 9 edition. Learn more at: Caterpillar. Publishing companies voices, 2011. Boff, Leonardo. The Eagle and the Hen. Petrpolis: Voices, 1998. 14 edition.

Wikipdia, free encyclopedia. ATTACHED I Questionnaire Applied with Pedagogo Professional. 1- How pedagogo (a) can ahead assist the professor of on difficulties the inclusion of pupils who present necessities diversified in classroom? ' ' I assist the professors, in the development of the contents to be worked in classroom, of form that the content, the activities are common to all the pupils. What dumb they are the strategies and recursos' '. 2- Of that it forms the responsible person for the pupil can contribute with the socialization of the same in the pertaining to school space? ' ' Our school is located in; let us say ' ' In an area of risco' ' , displayed crime, to the use and I traffic of drugs, our concern with what it says the socialization of educating, and of its parents and the proper pupils, the idea of that the school and the place safest, acolhedor Then we promote plantes pedagogical, monthly meeting with the parents, where we divulge carried through activities, the performance, the difficulties of its children (the parents) participate of the pertaining to school life of its children, together to find solues' '. 3- You find that the organization of the pedagogical work in the school facilitates the envolvement of the pupil with the activities of the classroom? Because? ' ' Yes, Claro' '! ' ' We develop some projects, developed, here in the school and others in partnership with the governments, municipal theatre, state and federal that has very in the favored one in the pedagogical development. I can until citing some as: IAB, MORE EDUCATION, ALFAEBETO. 4- It has some pupils whom preconception for its form suffers from speaking? Which its opinion on this? Of that you form chore with this situation? ' ' Some pupils, more shy exist, reserved that of some form they go being excluded for the colleagues of group even though auto if it excludes.

European Innovative

European Innovative

In this case, State actively participates in the creation of innovation infrastructure and modernization of existing innovative sites in the financing of R & D in developing long-term, strategic plans, innovative development. Total volume of investments in innovation sphere of budgetary resources to the latest figures in Russia reached 1.3% of GDP, while in developed European countries the figure is not less than 2,5% of GDP. But even those funds, which come in an innovative sector does not bring the desired effect. In the innovative sector of the Russian economy in 2009 recorded a very negative trend. On the one hand, funding innovation is increasing, on the other – only for the year 2008 the share of enterprises engaged in production of innovative products, declined by more than 30%, and in individual sectors of innovation companies has halved. In absolute terms, the share of innovative companies in the total mass of enterprises declined from 10% to 7%.

Russia's share in total world production of innovative products remains at the level of 0,3-0,4%. At the same time, innovative products, shipped out of Russia, makes 5,7% of exports (the rest – mainly raw materials). In the export of machinery and metal products innovative products is 15,4% in Chemistry and petrochemistry – 10,6%. The share of innovative products shipped to the domestic market does not exceed 4,4%. Thus, the share of innovative products in exports is higher than in the domestic market, which indicates that immunity domestic economy to innovate. In Russia, the following federal programs aimed at stimulating innovative activities: – "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovation in Russia From 2009 to 2013.

INE Products

INE Products

Characterization of Agrotxicos Agrotxicos is substance substances or mixture of chemical or biological, used nature to prevent or to fight plagues or illnesses, that reduce the productivity or that they negative afectam the product quality in areas of agricultural cultures and animal production e, in the control of .causing vectors of illnesses to the Man (PCIGA-ETP, 2008). The above-mentioned substances widely are used in diverse cultures of econmica importance, providing the food production to an accessible price, however the indiscriminate use of these products can cause damages to the health human being, animal and to the environment, mainly in the developing countries, e.g. Moambique (DOMINGUES et al, 2004). In Moambique, the organossintticas substance use (agrotxicos) for the control of plagues and illnesses that afectam the agricultural production wide was spread out at the beginning of decade 80, after the formation of state-owned companies, based in high degree of mechanization (MAPILELE, 1996).

According to reports of 2002 to the 2007 referring importation of agrotxicos in the country, they point that the situation is to be sufficiently increasing with passing of the years, therefore in 2002 had been mattered about 13.912 kg of 42 different products of agrotxicos, in 2005, about 687.837 kg 497 different products agrotxicos and in 2007, about 1.222.304.8 kg 433 different products of agrotxicos. In accordance with PARPA (2001), agriculture is the priority in the strategy of the Government for the development and reduction of the poverty. being the country in development ways, with a population esteem in about 20.530.714 million inhabitants, more than 70% of these lives in the agricultural zones and depends on agriculture for its sustenance and survival. The province of Maputo in particular, places itself in the south zone of the country and in accordance with INE, based on the population census of 2007, the population of the province is esteem in about 1.205.553 (a million, two hundred and five a thousand, cinquenta five hundred and three) inhabitants.

Metapeople Participates In Smaboo

Metapeople Participates In Smaboo

The performance marketing agency metapeople goes the smaboo AG. Duisburg – the performance marketing agency metapeople goes the smaboo AG. The Swiss startup smaboo based in Zurich and Berlin has specialized advertising campaigns in embedded branding with brand ambassadors. A new way of communication it offers for companies: advertising in a target group by a member of this target group. So far, including companies such as debitel, Facebook, Microsoft and JobScout24, Langenscheidt, the Zurich Tages-Anzeiger as customers could be won.

“For us a long-term extension of our marketing opportunities, but also of our range of services is possible through the investment in the smaboo AG. (Similarly see: Jonas Samuelson). He fit is clearly comprehensible and fits to the strategy and objectives metapeople founder.” (Tim Ringel, CEO of metapeople GmbH). About the metapeople GmbH: As an agency for effective online marketing the metapeople GmbH with its network of national and international agencies offers premium solutions in the areas of Search engine marketing, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, email marketing, banner advertising, consulting and tracking from a single source at. Headquartered in Duisburg metapeople founded in 1999 striping by Marco Ciachera and Tim to offer high-quality and transparent online marketing solutions. Branches in Hamburg and Munich were opened in 2003.

In 2004 the subsidiary of metaapes GmbH with the specialization was founded and in 2005 they metapeople Ltd., headquartered in London on affiliate marketing. An experienced team of local and European experts maintained in Hong Kong as metapeople Ltd. International customers since 2006. With the Zurich metapeople can provide even better also the Swiss customers since October 2008 the specialties of online marketing. The metapeople GmbH works for well-known brands at national and international level such as such as Lufthansa, SUN Microsystems, T-Mobile Germany, American Express, eBay and Daimler Chrysler. metapeople press contact: Judith Reyter metapeople GmbH philosopher 19, 47051 Duisburg, Tel.: + 49 (0) 203 417 83 23 E-Mail: Web: embedded branding and smaboo: the integration is referred to as “Embedded Branding” of brands and products in the everyday environment of the target group. In particular, the concept of brand ambassadors consistently to this idea, because the personal recommendation in the own circle is especially in times of saturated markets of particular importance for the purchase decision process.

Also Italians Can Check In Now Online Reputation

Also Italians Can Check In Now Online Reputation

Also Italians can check-in now online reputation Vienna, September 9, 2009 – Italian online user 123people can use management as a useful tool to the reputation now! Because the Personensuch service 123people expanded its international network to the country-specific people search to Italy. Thus, now even Italians who have very specific interest to Italian data can check what is available about it on the net. This involves up-to-date information such as for example entries in databases, newspaper articles, blog posts or quotes. The Vienna-based company 123people offers a specialized service for real-time search of personal data on the Internet. The meta-search offers the user divided in sections information such as address, phone numbers, pictures or quotes and can offer the most revealing data in the grid to a name, and that in a single search. The service generates no profiles, but searches the network and aggregate this real-time information from search engines, media and regional relevant information, such as phone books in their language. Since entering the market in the winter of 2008, according to the Internet service providers Austria (ISPA) the successful launch of the Austrian history of Web Personensuch-service 123people reaches high goals. Currently, we supplied over 15 million visitors in the month with personal data.

Therefore it is now time to open up new markets. The strategy behind the roll-out in Italy was the aim to supply a new market as quickly and efficiently with relevant regional information”, explains Russell E. Perry, CEO of 123people. Therefore, we are in each country with the most prominent media, including the newspaper, partnerships so can user in the relevant country to systematically track their online reputation.” Read more about 123people blog! blog find us on twitter! 123people on 123people 123people ( optimized people search on the Internet. The Startup company headquartered in Vienna was founded in 2008 and provides an Internet search tool, with each user easy, fast and reliable information about yourself or other people on the Internet since then.

Happy Birthday, Adaffix!

Happy Birthday, Adaffix!

Many awards ‘ennobling’ caller ID for smartphones Vienna, 13 April 2010. Adaffix, caller ID for smartphones, is one year old. The startup company looks back first year on an intense, where the product was optimized and prepared for the now upcoming internationalization. 2009, the full service was launched in Austria and Germany with local phone book partners ( and, respectively; adaffix Facebook integration provides a seamless integration of the caller in the world’s largest social network. And also the potential user base is optimized: adaffix app supports all Smartphone operating systems in the market.

A number of awards confirm the recognition of many international experts on the Anruferkennungs solution by adaffix. Previous high point was the earlier this year won GSMA Global Mobile award 2010 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The prestigious jury occupied the application developed in Austria in the category best chose mobile Internet service”to the winner. The jury consisted among others of the mobile industry experts: Witold Sitek (CTO Telenor Nordic), Georges Penalver (Senior Executive Vice president – strategy & technology, Orange group), Dr. Klaus-Jurgen Krath (Senior Vice President radio networks, Deutsche Telekom AG), Derek McManus (Chief Technology Officer, 02 UK), Georges Penalver (Senior Executive Vice president – strategy & technology, Orange group), Georges Passet (Chief Technology Officer of Bouygues) and Kris Rinne (Chief Technology Officer, AT & T). The official statement of the GSMA to adaffix: truly innovative.

A breath of fresh air in the mobile browsing space with the clever dynamic linking of social networking to the basic call experience of mobile”. “Such Honorable words out of the mouth of proven industry experts do good always a startup company like us. My conclusion after the first year: The user assume awarded our service and technically, we are well positioned. Now we will take step by step new markets”, says Claudia P2, CEO of adaffix. The adaffix benefits smartphone users will get the name of unknown caller telephone numbers in a matter of seconds on the display of the mobile phone with the mini programme adaffix. So far unknown telephone comfort even during the call from commercial customers: occupied lines or not answer alternative professionals, stores or restaurants are proposed. About adaffix adaffix GmbH has been headquartered in Vienna founded in 2009. With an international orientation, the start-up company deals with the development of telecommunications services. “a call is adaffix 3.0 company” around the theme calls”and are called” in everyday life. Calls are enriched with additional information in real time. Caller ID works A1 mobilkom, T-Mobile, three and Telering network in Austria. In Germany the application in the network of Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2/Telefonica, ePlus, base, is simyo, vybemobile and AY YILDIZ, available. adaffix, Samsung runs on BlackBerry, HTC, LG, Nokia, Motorola, Palm, and SonyEricsson devices that support one of the following operation systems: Android, RIM BlackBerry, Symbian S60 or Windows Mobile.

Berlin Radisson Hotel

Berlin Radisson Hotel

Two days ago red herring announced that what plista named a finalist of Red Herring 100 Europe Berlin, March 25, 2009 Two days ago announced that herring red plista what named a finalist of Red Herring 100 Europe, award given to the top 100 private technology companies based in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region each year. Dominik Matyka, CEO of plista states: \”the whole plista team is delighted with the nomination.\” Being among the finalists of Red Herring 100 again underlines, that we are on the right track with our business model. Emergency of only this nomination, but so several surveys show that there is a strong need for personalization and people are fed up with the level of information they get confronted with day by day. This is where plista comes into play.\” \”This year’s impressive list of submissions from companies demonstrates Europe’s growing role as a major center of innovation in the global technology sector,\” said red herring Publisher Alex Vieux. \”The exceptional accomplishments of European technology startups and entrepreneurs are a testament to the rapid advancements being made in building the European \”innovation ecosystem.\” Red Herring’s lists of top private companies are important part of the publication’s tradition of identifying new and innovative technology companies and entrepreneurs. Companies like Google, eBay and Skype were spotted in their early days by Red Herring editors, and touted as leaders that would change the way we live and work. Red Herring’s editorial staff rigorously evaluated several hundred private companies through a careful analysis of financial data and subjective criteria, including quality of management, execution of strategy, and dedication to research and development. Red Herring will honor the Red Herring 100 Europe finalist companies at its red herring Europe 2009 Conference. Scheduled for March 31-April 2, at the Berlin Radisson Hotel. This intimate, day event will explore how European firms are leading the 2 1/2 batch in many technology sectors, gaining a competitive advantage, and driving entrepreneurial success in ways that create business opportunities for challengers and incumbents alike.