Characterization of Agrotxicos Agrotxicos is substance substances or mixture of chemical or biological, used nature to prevent or to fight plagues or illnesses, that reduce the productivity or that they negative afectam the product quality in areas of agricultural cultures and animal production e, in the control of .causing vectors of illnesses to the Man (PCIGA-ETP, 2008). The above-mentioned substances widely are used in diverse cultures of econmica importance, providing the food production to an accessible price, however the indiscriminate use of these products can cause damages to the health human being, animal and to the environment, mainly in the developing countries, e.g. Moambique (DOMINGUES et al, 2004). In Moambique, the organossintticas substance use (agrotxicos) for the control of plagues and illnesses that afectam the agricultural production wide was spread out at the beginning of decade 80, after the formation of state-owned companies, based in high degree of mechanization (MAPILELE, 1996).
According to reports of 2002 to the 2007 referring importation of agrotxicos in the country, they point that the situation is to be sufficiently increasing with passing of the years, therefore in 2002 had been mattered about 13.912 kg of 42 different products of agrotxicos, in 2005, about 687.837 kg 497 different products agrotxicos and in 2007, about 1.222.304.8 kg 433 different products of agrotxicos. In accordance with PARPA (2001), agriculture is the priority in the strategy of the Government for the development and reduction of the poverty. being the country in development ways, with a population esteem in about 20.530.714 million inhabitants, more than 70% of these lives in the agricultural zones and depends on agriculture for its sustenance and survival. The province of Maputo in particular, places itself in the south zone of the country and in accordance with INE, based on the population census of 2007, the population of the province is esteem in about 1.205.553 (a million, two hundred and five a thousand, cinquenta five hundred and three) inhabitants.