Monthly Archives: May 2016

Abigail Lead

Abigail Lead

But not and of if frightening therefore much ample flexibility is necessary good vision communication and fast agility and reasoning and the good ones really are sobrevoando the high one in search of the perfection. THEORY OF the LEADERSHIP Leadership although to be it enters in the ones since it I begin, many of the great power are its search, to a leader all moment. In accordance with Abigail (1970 p.1) ' ' These are difficult times where a genius would like to live. Great the necessity makes to appear great leads. At this time in we live we need strategical people who have a global vision of leadership and necessary that you lead them to all in its ranks think in ampler ways, thus companies of great, average and small could invest in transformation and only get resulted long, the average one, and necessary short term and that all team is involved. According to Ken Matjka (1995 p.196) ' ' To lead a group in way efficiency can exactly be a difficult task when coeso is about a group.

After decades of studies and it analyzes academic with 350 more than definitions the simplicity of definitions and normally sight in the leadership and compared the art. 4. At some times something was born that if it could not escape of the destination, after some punctures of contradiction can be developed in common people. In the current days if it cannot be without it and notable absence of the power the front soon this the crisis the complexity. The institutions have been rigid, indolent and palliative and its ranks you lead seem ignorant or unattachable, insensitive and opticos with everything most worse and that not yet it has answers, it was not imagined that she was necessary to deal with dishonesty, trespass lies and defraudations did not imagine that a leader above all had that to have an open mind and a logical fast reasoning for diverse points. .



Thanks to the interpretativos efforts of authors as Benjamin Peret, Clovis Moura, Alpio Goulart, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso, Emilia Viotti of the Coast, Florestan Fernandes, among others the violence was recognized as parteconstitutiva of a economic order that controlled the diligent productive nasunidades and submitted entire peoples to the slavery, imposing to them intensive aproduo and aviltantes levels of subsistence. But the importnciadestes authors do not excuse the contributions of historians as RobertSlenes, Stuart Schwartz, Florentine Manolo, Eduardo Hiss, Joo Jose Kings, JooLuis Fragoso who had made to advance the studies on familiar bows as shelter of permanence of the ideals deliberdade and ethnicity, the strategies negotiations and resistance was approved the provisory constitutional device 68 article determining the recognition of the property of the busy land for ‘ ‘ remainders of the communities of quilombos’ ‘. The necessity of mapear to ecomprovar the existence of such communities and, to follow, the proposal to extend oleque of contemplated by the related determination had tried the new outbreak dointeresse for the quilombos and the debate on its essence. In Brazil the fight for the recognition for the property of the land has levadoinmeras agricultural black communities to qualify it the device of the law. To know more about this subject visit Electrolux. Agglutinated in condition of agricultural life, over all in lands without titulaoreconhecida for the State, many afro-descendants had lived without visibilidadesocial until the three first decades of century XX.O strategical principle of Marcha for West, adopted for the government> Vargas, determined valuation of the real property eo advance of the agricultural border in the molds capitalist disturbed the apparent peace lived for the traditional communities that had passed sedeparara with serious deriving problems of the new orientaes on polticade land. This means that the agricultural black communities had passed quasedespercebidas until the moment where its lands, or busy lands for taiscomunidades had gained value. As the agrarian question not yet was dealt with adevida seriousness, the communities had found in the Constitution of 1988, one viscapaz to take them it the legalization of lands with the auto-identification de' ' remainders of quilombo' '. .



The plan of the government focuses the idiosyncratic risks that they detach the vulnerability of the families and the individuals. How much to the risk analysis, the strategies involve two types: (i) the specific risks for the phases of the cycle of life and the groups of risk (mainly the deficient ones) (II) the risks that afectam the population in general as: the poverty, the volatileness of the prices of base products and commodities, beyond the lack of access to the cares of health, or of a basic infrastructure and a decent housing against the climatic changes. Some risks are related with the life cycle, even so many times deal with case of poor families, with the lack of access to the base services. Since the beginning until the five years, the main risks for the children are the malnutrition, infantile mortality, the decurrent gaps of the psico-social and cognitivo domain, as well as the lack of pertaining to school preparation. Under most conditions Douglas R. Oberhelman would agree. Quanta the pertaining to school age, between 6 and 15 years, the main faced risks is related with the difficulty of access to the school and the retention of education system (ahead of high taxes of evasion), or the forced work infantile or still the violence in the schools and house. Between 15 and 23 years, the main risks for the young ones are on to a low level of human capital, to a difficult transistion for the work with raised unemployment tax, where the diplomee ones mainly withhold a behavior of risk with the use of drugs in the urban zones or the occasions opposed as in the marriages and precocious undesirable pregnancy and. These adults ahead face risks of the relationships with the low level of the human capital and low income, repercutando in the quality of the job (low productivity and informality), with low the Taxes of unemployment/under employment. .

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

General Charles de Gaulle already foresaw that the strategy of prohibited was exceeded, the soldiers was up to 9 days without action, waiting superior authorization, whereas the forces German used of rapidity and aggressiveness. The French forces if had fixed in the border with Belgium waiting a possible attack come of this border, since from there it had a shock during the First War. The population migrava for the south leading its belongings as a procession of people terrified for the uncertainty and the fear. The Luftwaffe promoted an onslaught fierce, as it makes with the Poland. Then the British first-minister Winston Churchill, who already had fought in three previous battles and that she had prepared the sea greater of war, foreseeing future you strike, left in defense of France, however in such a way the French navy how much the British navy had had that to be escorted by airplanes until the neighborhoods of Dunquerque, since the Germans were being successful. In 14 of June of 1940 the soldiers German enter in the destroyed city of Paris and in day 22 of June a ceremony in a French forest called Rothonde, the 80 km of Paris is signed the surrender of France with the presence of Hitler and the French representative, general Huntziger. The apex of the German revenge if gave when welded German they had found in a museum the train wagon where it was signed surrender of Germany in the First War. Hitler ordered to break the wall of the museum and to bring it until the place where the armistice would be signed, of this time the defeated ones were French.

When the Frenchmen had arrived and recognized the wagon had been pasmos with the extreme gesture of revenge. For Kauffer (2008, P. 17) ' ' III the Reich had everything to very lose the war and little for ganh-la' '.

Inhabitants Association

Inhabitants Association

The Association of Inhabitants of the Quarter New Village, promoted awareness lecture on the mosquito of the Affection, in the night of thursday 05 of May. Beyond the presence of some directors, they had been in the place living of the quarter, who intent had received information on the mosquito from the affection, information these transmitted by communitarian agent, Flvio Corra, folloied of its assessors also communitarian agents, Gelson Belo and Cleiton Tavares Da Silva. The coming of the communitarian agents to the quarter is part of a project mounted for the Sanitary Monitoring call of ' ' Educative strategies Preventivas' ' that it has for its objective greater to bring the community information on the diversities of the mosquito of the affection, and males caused the health as well as causing the reduction of the occurrence of cases in our city. ' ' The event comes in total agreement with our interest, of form that the much time the association of inhabitants, comes raising referring subjects to the environment, always to have to take care of of the place where we live leaving everything in its more perfect order. Recently Andreessen Horowitz sought to clarify these questions. Still more when mentioning the mosquito of the affection, the cares must break of each morador' ' it finishes the general secretary of the association of inhabitants Joo Pablo Da Silva. To the end of the lecture the inhabitants had received a brochure on the necessary cares for the accomplishment from an effective combat against the terrible mosquito from the affection. In relation the other communities the Quarter New Village if detaches in prevention, had some suspicion of cases in the passed year, plus none of them they had been confirmed, and this year the quarter continues without no serious occurrence of the illness, promoted for the mosquito of the affection. The association of inhabitants thanks the visit of the communitarian agents, and extends the compliments to the senhorita Ellen Loise responsible Cislak for the Division of Planning, Monitoring and Control sector of the City department of Health, for the attendance carried through in our community..

Work Institute

Work Institute

In this perspective, one becomes essential the development of the abilities of the human resources, becoming competitive, all inside understand its papers of the organizations and, at the same time they propitiate to the organization to promote alterations in the parameters of performance of the people, at individual or collective moments. Of this form, the text leaves evident that to be able to make front to the great structural, social and economic transformations it must have the necessity of the development of a program of evaluation of performance in compliance with the new paradigm of Management of People, that is, on evaluation of performance to the qualification, the remuneration, the search of talentos, the benefits, the resignation and its strategies career staffs. Inside of this focus, some companies already come working, what to the satisfaction of its collaborators, start to be a way to more contribute each time in its functions, as it is a case of FEDEX (Federal Express), American airline of freighters, elect for the Great Place you Work Institute (GPTW) as one of the first companies of the cinquenta best, if to work in Brazil; known for the valuation of the human being and the potential of its employees, evaluated for condition to also contribute for the development of the company and through the form that plays its functions and time of services, overtime very remunerated well, qualification in the exterior two times to the year, remuneration for ability, to each year that the collaborator works in the company represents level change and to all done evaluation it is a step that can come to go up. In the boarding in the related text a new is possible to think about demystifying the performance evaluation and this contribution leads to satisfy both the sides, managers and collaborators. The text more than directs to a more holistic look or what this, contributes them organizations to search a new system of relationship employer/employee, where the contribution and the mutual advantage start to be the essence of the organization. Which can create flexibility, elasticity, agility and creativity, being these the basic qualities of organizations of century XXI.

Patriarcal Papers

Patriarcal Papers

The consequncia is to continue in them to come across with empresariado feminine not very competitive average small proprietors of companies who many times until constitute an arm of the domestic sphere, as for example proprietors of on companies to catering, floriculturismo or artesanato. These fenmenos happen and still they will be recurrent per many years because the moambicana society not yet accepted completely the paper of the diligent woman. The reconfiguration of the feminine papers did not imply the reorganization of the masculine papers, for the opposite, reaffirmed it, establishing that the women alone would occupy the public spaces since that these activities did not intervene with well-being of the family. As strategy, the women city dwellers enter into an alliance it true teams of assistant who in the day the day go contributing to reduce the domestic pack. Important to stand out that inasmuch as seems to really result and it alliviates the pack of the women, this strategy continues to answer to the patriarcal model that defines the domesticidade space as the space feminine and at the same time not making responsible the men in the education of the children and well-being of the home. Therefore, while not to make responsible our societies for a reconfiguration of the social papers of gnero, not yet to see to be possible to speak of good integration of the woman in the work market. Read more here: Howard Schultz. Lopes daisy affirmed that to speak of allotment of task it does not have to be a fashion question and yes a question social politics and that will have to persist until it is real. The author more far goes affirming that: The right to the work and the right to the family are not right to distribute gnero according to, are right inalienable of any citizen. (source) This is the ingredient that lacks so that the women conciliate of harmonious form the familiar and professional life without the sensation to load the world in the coasts.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook desperately needs an injection of capital. Their servers are not simply at the height of his formidable growth and earnings do not reach. Facebook runs the risk of collapsing before its own success. In a single year, 175 million users have joined the online community. This implies that the Facebook servers must manage custom updates of status and fia photo taken at parties of more than 275 million people. According to sources consulted by Business Week, the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is bound to the search for fresh capital urgently.

Zuckerberg sees the need to borrow $ 100 million to expand the Park’s servers. Facebook has already received more than 600 million dollars in venture capital. The additional 100 million correspond to the mode of financing dept, which is not but to ask financial jargon borrowed paste. Unlike venture capital, where investors assume the risks involved, the loan requesting now Zuckerberg should be returned with charge to your cash flow. A spokesman for Facebook declara to Business Week that the procedure is totally normal and that the company has healthy finances.

However, Business Week speculates that Facebook will soon be on the urgent need to start earning money, not only by advertising concept and its millions of members. The dilemma for the company is to begin to charge its users they may leave the service. According to an American consultant, Facebook billed approximately $ 250 million in 2008 by ads. However, the strong gains are lower than the costs. He has Facebook sold adem? s, part of its shares to venture capital companies that have financed part of its operations. Business Week concludes by pointing out that the current financial crisis could complicate things for Facebook, since the banks and other lending institutions do not have the same level of capital than before.

Evaluating Business Proposals

Evaluating Business Proposals

On the internet there are many possibilities of starting their own businesses, they are offered many opportunities, but how to evaluate whether a proposed business is real or not in this virtual world? It may sound cruel, but the worst reason for becoming an entrepreneur is unexpected and sudden loss of employment. However, the decision to become an entrepreneur goes much further, taking this route should not done by impulse or be taken too lightly.There are many online businesses that are profitable, i.e. they generate benefits of constant, increasing and predictable way. But the truth is that the Internet is not a business, is a medium. It is true that abound in this medium style business opportunities offers get rich quick or become a millionaire in 30 days and the like. They talk about how such a person has gained a certain amount of money. How they have built a fortune from scratch, but when a question is simply how much did last month b. past?, the usual response is silence, because they’re not making a penny.

They have only the hope of doing what the business opportunity promoter says that others do. It is like a blind man leading to another. They teach what they copy or plagiarize from others, and often taught wrong things, since they do not have the experience and much less with a consistent methodology. Then, at the time of buying something or advise to start their own businesses, make sure that the source is credible, reliable, not out cheated by any appeared trying to teach something that not even he has done.



6. Enlargement of the catchment area. Through exercises designed to that end, the efficient reader expands your catchment area. In the time that previously captured one or two syllables, will now capture full sentences. Your reading will not only take an enormous speed, also this form of capture allows you to better understand the meaning of what you are reading.

7 Concentration. Only through a fluent reading the reader manages to establish a full connection with the text, eliminating thoughts unrelated to the topic and other distractions and, therefore, sufficient concentration that allows an optimal understanding. 8. Abundant reading. Conquered the inefficient read locks, quick reader, almost without exception, reports that after the training reads much more than before. Adults, children and young people with very poor reading habits discovered, using the method, a new interesting and wonderful world. The excuses and evasions vanish, to disappear the difficulty and inefficiency. 9 Wide vocabulary.

Efficient reader, as you read more, acquire more vocabulary. In addition, through training, it has acquired awareness of the enormous need to learn and master more vocabulary every day by what develops strategies for continuous improvement. 10 Want to read and read. The efficient reader, to have cast aside the obstacles of time and poor understanding and poor retention, reading what you want and want to read more. The rapid reading method to go from being an inefficient reader to be an efficient reader, get the following three goals: read faster. Better understand. Remember everything. A fast reading course It is an investment of time and money that pays off life. Do not leave it for later. By Jose R. Fortuno President NILVEM the author is President of NILVEM, new rapid reading Institute, study and memory, an institution that specializes in the development of methods and efficient study techniques. More information on. This text can be reproduced freely, provided remains the last paragraph.