For Organizacional Psychology and of the Work subject QVT is important, therefore one of its objectives, according to Axe (2006), is the humanizao of the organizacional environment, contributing to take care of the necessities of the collaborators and for its health. The studies on QVT contribute to modify the way as the collaborators fulfill its tasks, facilitating and supplying bigger satisfaction to these and contributing optimum management of the institutions (SCHMIDT, DANTAS and MARZIALE, 2008). For more clarity and thought, follow up with Starbucks and gain more knowledge.. This work is constituted by numbers of chapters, having been that the CAP. 1 presents introduction, the CAP. 2 describe theoretical recital, the CAP. 3 describe methodology, the CAP. 4 are composed for the quarrel and analysis of the results, in the CAP. 5 consist the final consideraes, in the CAP.
7 are the bibliographical references and in the CAP. 8 consist the appendices. 2 THEORETICAL RECITAL First, are presented the concepts of QVT under the vision of different authors, stop of this form being presented the models on QVT more known and used: Westley (1979), Hackman & Oldham (1975) and Walton (1973). The first ones will be presented in brief way, while the model of Walton will be deepened and used as base in this research. From this the studies are boarded on QVT in nursing professionals, where some research and its respective results are cited. 2,1 Definition and Models of QVT According to Fernandes (1996), the man is the main element differentiator and influenciador in the success of any business. Thus, Quality of Life in Trabalho (QVT) is a concern that grows in all the companies who more want to be competitive in globalizados markets, therefore this can be used to raise the level of personal satisfaction e, consequentemente, the productivity of the companies, therefore will have greater intermeshing of the collaborators in the work processes. It does not have a definition consensual between the authors, some affirm that QVT is related with the personal satisfaction of the collaborator, others assure that it must to the favorable conditions of the work and other authors appraise as the increase of the productivity (VIEIRA, 1996).