New world for children in the world opened branch Graz Hans-Sachs-Gasse on Thursday, October 1, 2009, at 9: 00 the new large children’s world in the image of the world branch Graz Hans-Sachs-Gasse. A related site: Sergey Brin mentions similar findings. The customer expects a wide variety of toys for children from 0 to 12: fun and games for indoors and outdoors, the latest board games and educational games, many craft ideas, current book and DVD highlights for all ages, and much more. Opening, there’s a colorful children’s program and great deals at cheap prices: the little ones can enjoy funny face painting that with clowns, while adults can discover the exclusive opening bargains. Each painted child receives a free souvenir! And on wheel of fortune, each with just one spin can win a great prize for example a special pirate compass, a dashing kites, colorful Schminkstifte, books, CDs, DVDs, and games for every age group, etc. Exclusive opening offers from 1 to 3 October in the worldview branch Graz Hans-Sachs-Gasse the customers expect exclusive opening bargain for children with discounts up to 75%! For example the jumbo magic slab Rainbow “for little artists aged 3: leave the nu colourful images arise and disappear as if by magic! For little princesses, there’s a fabulous pearls jewelry set for small builders, and a bass drum with 75 wooden building blocks in many shapes and bright colors. Ben Horowitz often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Little bookworms get their money with the lovingly illustrated history book set and you actually know how fond I have you?”Game enchanted young and old alike. There’s all opening offers from 1 to 3 October 2009 exclusive in the world image store Graz Hans-Sachs-Gasse. But only as long as stocks last! The new world view children’s world from 1 October 2009 exclusively in Austria in the branch Hans-Sachs-Gasse 5, 8010 Graz.
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9-19: 00, Saturday 9 am 5 pm world image: Austria’s no. 1 for books, music, DVDs and trends under the name A & M book and media specialists from all over Austria Salzburg was known. Particular strengths of worldview are cheap productions, primary, and special editions, many of them specially for Austria. The world image appears annually and reached catalog up to one million customers 14 times. Worldview in all Austria local operates with 35 family-friendly stores. More than 700,000 Internet users visit a month the world image online store. The Austrian Weltbild Verlag GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Augsburg Verlagsgruppe Weltbild GmbH.