Given your spirit, the habit of doubt, and in your heart, that of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg tolerance when delving into this topic fit the questions: what is tolerance? Are you tolerant? What has legacy le be tolerant? How has it helped you in your personal growth that has prevented him from being tolerant? How tolerance can be grown.? These questions may already have answers on your part and it will have determined the role of tolerance in their personal growth, what brings in their interrelations and as this helps to ensure a favorable emotional balance. Fortunately there is much material written on the subject, and much interest in knowing how operates the tolerance, its significance and above all as cultivating it. on the theme exposed, that. If we understand that our beliefs and customs are not neither better nor worse than other people, but simply different, we will be respecting others. You don’t need to share an opinion to be able to consider it as valid as any other.
What is needed is to put themselves in the place of others. From every perspective, things are perceived in a different way. Why analyze group a situation, listening to the opinion of each member thereof, enables us to assess better. Share differences enriches us. Sometimes, throughout the history of people you can see examples whose forms of acting are born precisely the lack of respect for others. Let pass unfair and inconsiderate attitudes is an indirect way of not respecting who suffers from them. Why be tolerant is also defined, take a step forward, make a choice for Justice and peace. defined tolerance, as acceptance of diversity of opinion, social, ethnic, cultural and religious. The ability to know how to listen and accept others, valuing the different ways of understanding and position in life, provided that do not violate the fundamental rights of the person the tolerance if it is understood as respect and consideration towards the difference, such as a willingness to admit to others a way of being and acting different than their own, or as an attitude of acceptance of legitimate pluralism, is all lights a virtue of enormous importance.