Monthly Archives: December 2012

Cultivating Tolerance

Cultivating Tolerance

Given your spirit, the habit of doubt, and in your heart, that of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg tolerance when delving into this topic fit the questions: what is tolerance? Are you tolerant? What has legacy le be tolerant? How has it helped you in your personal growth that has prevented him from being tolerant? How tolerance can be grown.? These questions may already have answers on your part and it will have determined the role of tolerance in their personal growth, what brings in their interrelations and as this helps to ensure a favorable emotional balance. Fortunately there is much material written on the subject, and much interest in knowing how operates the tolerance, its significance and above all as cultivating it. on the theme exposed, that. If we understand that our beliefs and customs are not neither better nor worse than other people, but simply different, we will be respecting others. You don’t need to share an opinion to be able to consider it as valid as any other.

What is needed is to put themselves in the place of others. From every perspective, things are perceived in a different way. Why analyze group a situation, listening to the opinion of each member thereof, enables us to assess better. Share differences enriches us. Sometimes, throughout the history of people you can see examples whose forms of acting are born precisely the lack of respect for others. Let pass unfair and inconsiderate attitudes is an indirect way of not respecting who suffers from them. Why be tolerant is also defined, take a step forward, make a choice for Justice and peace. defined tolerance, as acceptance of diversity of opinion, social, ethnic, cultural and religious. The ability to know how to listen and accept others, valuing the different ways of understanding and position in life, provided that do not violate the fundamental rights of the person the tolerance if it is understood as respect and consideration towards the difference, such as a willingness to admit to others a way of being and acting different than their own, or as an attitude of acceptance of legitimate pluralism, is all lights a virtue of enormous importance.

Little Classroom

Little Classroom

I also perceived that it had certain incredulity in the professional evaluated for the little age, only 25 years, I tried to prove that I had ability therefore I was there. In the first week I was a little apreensivo, did not feel me comfortable at the moment of to enter in classroom, to face the group, and to know that I age the professor. In the second week, the plans of lesson, to be worked contents, the time to give to all the lessons, correction of summaries, at last in such a way work for little time. Also it was of my responsibility the orientation for works of course conclusion. Between 11 groups, 10% enter in conflict, the biggest difficulty are in imposing limits, not confusing the opened relations, to show it difference to they between freedom and libertinism.

The pupils must understand that the professor has the commitment to fulfill with the summary and on the other hand, they have that to make the part of them so that the things flow. The professor always helps the pupil in the measure where the same he wants to be helped, carelessness will be had, is sincere and I do not think two times, I ask for so that they leave of the classroom in a good one. Another great difficulty that I found was to leave clearly, and to prove to the pupils the crime on plagiarism, to remember them that the professors know to differentiate the works developed for the pupil and that one that was plagiarized. majority of my pupils is young, but they are very responsible. 5? Which the methodology most used for you? why? R? when I perceived that they did not like to read in classroom, I requested fichamento of texts, therefore thus they would compel themselves to read in house and I confirmed the task at the moment of the correction, therefore they could not make a fichamento without having read the text.

Pedagogo Professional

Pedagogo Professional

Social psychology Contemporary 9 edition. Publishing companies voices, 2011. Boff, Leonardo. The Eagle and the Hen. Petrpolis: Voices, 1998. 14 edition. Wikipdia, free encyclopedia. ATTACHED I Questionnaire Applied with Pedagogo Professional.

1- How pedagogo (a) can ahead assist the professor of on difficulties the inclusion of pupils who present necessities diversified in classroom? ' ' I assist the professors, in the development of the contents to be worked in classroom, of form that the content, the activities are common to all the pupils. What dumb they are the strategies and recursos' '. 2- Of that it forms the responsible person for the pupil can contribute with the socialization of the same in the pertaining to school space? ' ' Our school is located in; let us say ' ' In an area of risco' ' , displayed crime, to the use and I traffic of drugs, our concern with what it says the socialization of educating, and of its parents and the proper pupils, the idea of that the school and the place safest, acolhedor Then we promote plantes pedagogical, monthly meeting with the parents, where we divulge carried through activities, the performance, the difficulties of its children (the parents) participate of the pertaining to school life of its children, together to find solues' '. 3- You find that the organization of the pedagogical work in the school facilitates the envolvement of the pupil with the activities of the classroom? Because? ' ' Yes, Claro' '! ' ' We develop some projects, developed, here in the school and others in partnership with the governments, municipal theatre, state and federal that has very in the favored one in the pedagogical development. I can until citing some as: IAB, MORE EDUCATION, ALFAEBETO. 4- It has some pupils whom preconception for its form suffers from speaking? Which its opinion on this? Of that you form chore with this situation? ' ' Some pupils, more shy exist, reserved that of some form they go being excluded for the colleagues of group even though auto if it excludes.