THE CHANGE TO WIN, is that you as a leader, accepts the view that CHANGES TO MAKE FIRST, are those dealing with you today so you have to drive or run things The first reason implies that SI UD. YOU JUST CAN NOT make the changes. Titan Feul Tanks insists that this is the case. Changes will make collaboration with other leaders (“a war cabinet”) INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, who brings a positive personality, so that all the people in your company is excited about the changes you require the Leaders accompanying that You have like: tenacity and persistence and to lead by EXAMPLE directly in the field. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jonas Samuelson is the place to go. If people go administration will work with them at the bottom of their desks, because that is where problems occur, if Sales will be directly on customers, since there with them is where they do business and claims, if Credit & Collection is a combination of the two, and so on. Finally on this point, you must work and plan a permanent return of what is happening to his people (GOALS VS. RESULTS) and those who help generate those changes in February.
THE CHANGE TO WIN, always act requires considering a strategy and plan. It is logical that the fear of the unknown make his people to resist change. After all its people rightly wonder: What do you know this person newly arrived from what we do here? ; Do that I have my years doing this I will come to say today what I have to do here?, Etc. The strategy change action that you, leaders accompanying him and their controls its responsibilities, effective communication lies in the Draft Changes to the entire company, would not only dispel doubts and fears but also will create a commitment all changes to the draft in March. THE CHANGE TO WIN, it is considered that the main objective of the changes, its ultimate objective should be to obtain greater productivity and higher profitability to all his people today. For this to be in, there may be a million ways, but ultimately higher productivity and profitability will only be possible if you and your controls that come with in-depth care for its people. Of course you will say that if they worry.
Is there a pleasant atmosphere in their environment and in each position of the Company? “Everyone smiles and cries and there is unrest among its people? Are you always tell the people what is happening, their hopes for improvements for all and other things? Do you mean to say hello to everyone on his birthday as the first “task essential “day? You arrive and greet one on one with affection or is limited to one such …? business has as its first priority the timely payment of wages, bonuses and awards of the people? etc. – None of this costs extra money, is simply the act of a true leader Smart A PROPOSED CHANGE TO WIN, is as you see, much more than a way of seeing things, doing things that are needed, understanding and accepting a reality: Change to Win, the leaders are just people and the profound need for success that they have to be real leaders.