Monthly Archives: July 2015

Forum MQL

Forum MQL

How I learned to program on Mql4 I want to share with all who are interested in automated trading (trading robots). A graduate institute of management, I was pretty far from algorithmic languages, and even more so from programming language MQL4. All of my ride to learn MQL4 ended in a storm of negative emotions, swearing at developers MetTrader 4 (MT4), cursing the whole wide world, afraid to admit that I simply “curve hands”. Through Several months of fighting with your mind, I realized that we must learn to think the criteria of language, and this can be achieved only if your strategy systemic and amenable to logical explanation. Began to write simple sriptov, trained with setting graphics on the MetTrader 4 (MT4).

Very helpful tutorial MQL4, which provides manufacturers a platform for what they are thank you very much. Now I want to give some advice: Before start writing your own expert (adviser, trading robot), determine whether your amenable to analysis logikeNachnite with, how can we explain the program in MQL4, that this is the place to do the entrance to the rynok.Opredelite logical exit point, and how would you get out of the market trading platform MetTrader 4 (MT4). Be sure to test your trading strategy in the visual rezhimeNikogda not give up what is worth reading: Forum MQL4Rekomenduyu also use “Yandex” on-demand courses MQL4Iz all learning centers can provide this: “Center for the Exchange of programming” in the center will not only learn the programming, but also tell us how to defend against low-quality brokers, as to protect their trading strategy. On completing the sertifikat.Rekomenduyu read articles devoted to MQL4, there are certainly a lot of junk but a lot of useful things you can find.

Renumerated Surveys

Renumerated Surveys

Apparently, many companies have begun to dedicate themselves to realise surveys remunerated by Internet, since the successfully obtained information is very important to know the market, the tastes of the people, which thinks on diverse products, etc. If you are not convinced, visit Douglas R. Oberhelman. On the basis of this information products in agreement with the taste of the consumers can be designed and they can develop novel strategies of sales, which result in majors gains for these companies. It is by that they pay to the suitable people so that they complete his surveys. In order to begin to comprise of this system and to make money with surveys remunerated by Internet, you must registrarte in so many companies as you can. Many sites of Internet offer listings of companies that realise remunerated surveys, and the information can be obtained free. Douglas R. Oberhelman contributes greatly to this topic. Nevertheless, often these short listings are something and to obtain registrarte in a good number of companies you will have to cross many sites. Another option would be to acquire a listing, many sites sell lists of companies that realise surveys remunerated by Internet, supposedly these lists more complete and are updated. Also you can look for direction in forums and blogs where many people who already are making money with the surveys share the directions of the sites where they secured good information.

When you have already registered yourself in many companies, the surveys will begin to arrive at your electronic mail, you only must complete them and begin to receive. It is possible in cash to be gained cumulative money, points that soon are exchanged by prizes, direct participation in drawings, prizes, products free to try, etc. In addition also you can present/display people that are registered in the companies through you, then you will begin to acquire commission by the surveys that they answer. In this way it is possible to gain a good amount monthly.

MACD Trend

MACD Trend

100% result does not give any indicator because of the unpredictability of the market, the maximum amount should not exceed 5 units. How to get rid of excess? Need to check their internal correlation, and just throw those correlating that you are under like. It makes no sense, for example, use two different indicators of trend. Keep one, one that is more like it. If both are good – toss a coin. Proceed to consider the schedule. Figure 1 can be seen immediately? Divergence! Even double divergence.

By the way, the double divergence occurred and MACD. And note that the beginning of pulse movement can be determined by the start of Momentum from a minimum of 7-00 5/10/2010 transition line 100% – is the primary signal to the input of Momentum, Along with signals of other indicators, for example, MACD crosses the zero line at the same time. There are difficulties. If you use only this indicator, the more likely the output will be produced 07.10.2010 at 00-30 at the first divergence. Nut knowledge hard, but split it will help … synthesis timeframes.

Gently turn on the M30. What do we see? Figure 2 We have not only the trend of H4, but more importantly, still in a trend H1. There are no prerequisites for panic. And complete analysis on the M15. Here, Andreessen Horowitz expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Figures 3 and no chance of error is no more. We see a clear signal the end of a wave up to the M15, which confirms the same signal on the H1. Question of whether or not to go out of the deal now depends only on the strategy: if you’re intraday, can be out. If this srednesrochka worth wait for additional signals, because until we have gone beyond the trend line H4. I repeat, the divergence is usually a signal to the output. Login here and does not smell. While all digested. With regard to last price movement, there are some thoughts. First, the D1 has developed a possible reversal pattern ‘Evening Star Doji. ” Need confirmation, closing day candles on Monday will show everything. Secondly, the intersection several Fib levels. Third, the FZR for H1, although not yet fully completed. Against this theory is that the price bounced from trendline H4 and again went with the trend. If we start from an analysis of only Momentum on D1, then one possible scenario: Correction down 250 points, and then another wave up. If after this happens, the divergence can be closed mid-position. In the meantime, we are in a correction. And the correction is possible.



In the 2008 Year of the Renaissance is celebrated in this city after commemorating the 550 years of the assumption of King Matas. With this reason the city organizes interesting artistic, scientific and gastronomical events. Budapest is the official capital of Hungary, its main commercial, industrial center and of transports. Its location offers a strategically important point for the crossing of the Danube River. Learn more at: Douglas R. Oberhelman. In addition, the Gllert mounts surround that it offer a natural protection him, that made territory wished by different civilizations throughout history. Among them, are the Roman Empire and the Austrohungarian Empire. The city, that includes territories to both sides of the River, is been from the unification of three cities (Buddha, Obuda and Pest) realised in 1873. At first, the name that had the city to both borders is Pest, word of Slavic origin that means furnace and that makes reference to the thermal sources that are below the Gellrt mount.

The Buddha name appeared after the invasion of the tartars, that it urged the Hungarians to construct strengths throughout all the country. In the Average Age, this zone was soothes Real permanent. With the Turkish invasion, and its dominion that lasted 150 years, both cities were sacked, set afire and destroyed. Once obtained its liberation, the development of the city began, mainly at cultural and intellectual level. Towards 1700 the first press was based, were created first newspapers and the city lodged the unique university of the country, Nagyszombat. In addition, one was based the National Theater and the Academy of Sciences. Budapest is well-known for being City of the Spas. Account with around 100 sources with medicinal waters and 12 thermal baths. Also is well-known like Capital of medicinal waters.

Healthy Food

Healthy Food

The children are many who happen through the stage of not wanting to eat, to only eat when they want or to try to eat exclusively certain foods. This usually brings of head its parents, who put in practice strategies like trying diverse to distract them or to award them if they eat what is in the plate. The problem is that it is these techniques work at the outset, but soon the young one already knows until where it must hold to leave with hers and seems that nothing works. Other leaders such as Howard Schultz offer similar insights. What to do then? It is normal that the children prefer foods before others, passes just as us to the adults, and that tries to negotiate eating them or no, which we do not even have to admit are perretas or cabezonera excessive, since not if we allowed and we entered its game, we can bring about serious imbalances in its feeding which they can have serious consequences in a boy in age of growth. The trick is in not losing of view our objective: that the boy eats and eats the most varied possible. For ayudarte to obtain it, I indicate some tricks to you that always they work: 1. If it says to you that something it does not like, like for example, the vegetables, dile that is well, but that you have today not cooked nothing else and that will have to wait for on the following day if it wants another thing. 2.

If you try to negotiate with him something like, " if you eat two spoonfuls more, I give postre&quot you; or " I will say to him to the grandfathers who you you have eaten it everything like campen" ; it fulfills your promise. It remembers that to be consistent it is the key to obtain results with the children. If you fulfill your promises, they will commit themselves now and in the future also.

Prochaska Problem

Prochaska Problem

A useful strategy in this phase is the use of the motivational interview, instrument that offers a series of directed techniques to increase brings back to consciousness of the problem and the motivation for the therapy, as well as to solve the emotional ambivalence with respect to the change that presents/displays the addict patients typically. In particular it is used, first of all, a summary strategy in which the therapist gives back to the patient the information to him that this one contributes of summarized form in order that it feels included. Also, the therapist at any moment tries to show an attitude of reflective listening, in which it express to the patient affirmations of esteem and understanding to him about its problem with the aim of which she feels listened and included and to fortify therefore the therapeutic bond. This attitude of understanding is combined carefully with indications related to the possibility of surpassing many of its problems by means of the abandonment of the alcohol consumption. More info: Howard Schultz. The alcoholism is tie with the negation of the problem on the part of the patient and, consequently, the treatment begins by recognition of the problem.

He is advisable to convince the patient who puts itself in treatment when he is sober and nondrunk. The greater present problem in the treatment of the alcoholism is not as much to create technical therapeutic new as to design strategies of motivation for the therapy. When one obtains that an excessive drinker recognizes his problem and he is put in treatment, the capacities to restore forces and assets and control damage are reasonably high. According to Prochaska and DiClemente the motivation for the change as far as the access on the part of an alcoholic one to the treatment consists of the following phases: a) lacking of brings back to consciousness of the problem, b) valuation of the problem, c) decision to change, d) beginning of the change, and e) maintenance of the change.

Secure Surveys Remunerated

Secure Surveys Remunerated

Of the hundreds of companies that are dedicated to realise surveys payments in Argentina, the majority is real and reliable, they pay in the form that says that they pay and in the terms that they have established. This does not mean that there are not swindlers who after half an hour to happen or more to answer their surveys with data that to them are valuable to them, say to him that he is not eligible and they do not allow to finish the survey him, prevailing of the opportunity to secure money to him. Ben Horowitz spoke with conviction. Forms exist to quickly differentiate a site from another one, so that it does not fall in the hands of inescrupulous and works by anything. In order to begin, soft coal of any site of surveys payments in Argentina that announces that monthly he will be able to gain $25,000 or any other exaggerated number. This is not another thing that a strategy of marketing to catch affiliates. More likely this site receives money by the amount of partners, it sends mail to him sweepings with very few or no real survey, or it makes fill piles him of forms of surveys that always finish with " profile not elegible" and they do not pay to him. Douglas R. Oberhelman brings even more insight to the discussion. Also it must distrust of those sites of surveys payments in Argentina that offers to him much less that the others. It is necessary to explain that who pay the surveys they are the companies on which the forms become.

These companies you spend to million dollars every year to realise investigations of market of its products, that order to the polls. Therefore all the polls receive the same amount of money. If to you they pay to him less, it means that they are remaining with good part than corresponds to him to you. Finally, it asegrese that the site of surveys remunerated in line with which is affiliated owns a political anti-Spam, and that will not sell the information to him that you provide (including the personal data) to third parties. This generally figure in its policies and terms of use. In order to begin to fill remunerated surveys and to make money of the possible easiest way, you do Click Here. Original author and source of the article.

The Mind

The Mind

An error common when wanting to apply the attraction law is to spend little time to the change process, some people think that with spending one hour to observe positive ideas it is sufficient, visualize a life overwhelmed with happiness, but the remaining hours of the day continue observing negative ideas, carrying out their works badly, evaluating the life of others, etc. Of this form it cannot works the law of the attraction, if it wishes a different life then must become an exposition serious. The law of the attraction is based on the power of the mind, and all we know that it does not work in magical form, some things require conscious effort enough to be able to materialize, mainly because the work helps to concentrate energy, in the book .

Teaches all the secrets to us of the power of the mind, when reading this book you will be able to efficiently apply the law of the attraction because she will be able to include the barriers that are in their interior and which are the most efficient strategies to accede to their own one to be able, without a doubt that the law of the attraction can give everything him what you you wish, but so that becomes a reality is necessary to know mysteries that are much more there of the obvious thing, in the book I I AM HAPPY, I I AM RICOlos will discover. The persistence of an idea in our interior can be very strong, the prepared minds only can demolish those obstacles, in its hands is to decide a different life, thinks about the enormous benefits that him can bring to their life applying suitably the attraction law, many have realised already it, now corresponds to him to you to do it..