How I learned to program on Mql4 I want to share with all who are interested in automated trading (trading robots). A graduate institute of management, I was pretty far from algorithmic languages, and even more so from programming language MQL4. All of my ride to learn MQL4 ended in a storm of negative emotions, swearing at developers MetTrader 4 (MT4), cursing the whole wide world, afraid to admit that I simply “curve hands”. Through Several months of fighting with your mind, I realized that we must learn to think the criteria of language, and this can be achieved only if your strategy systemic and amenable to logical explanation. Began to write simple sriptov, trained with setting graphics on the MetTrader 4 (MT4).
Very helpful tutorial MQL4, which provides manufacturers a platform for what they are thank you very much. Now I want to give some advice: Before start writing your own expert (adviser, trading robot), determine whether your amenable to analysis logikeNachnite with, how can we explain the program in MQL4, that this is the place to do the entrance to the rynok.Opredelite logical exit point, and how would you get out of the market trading platform MetTrader 4 (MT4). Be sure to test your trading strategy in the visual rezhimeNikogda not give up what is worth reading: Forum MQL4Rekomenduyu also use “Yandex” on-demand courses MQL4Iz all learning centers can provide this: “Center for the Exchange of programming” in the center will not only learn the programming, but also tell us how to defend against low-quality brokers, as to protect their trading strategy. On completing the sertifikat.Rekomenduyu read articles devoted to MQL4, there are certainly a lot of junk but a lot of useful things you can find.