The children are many who happen through the stage of not wanting to eat, to only eat when they want or to try to eat exclusively certain foods. This usually brings of head its parents, who put in practice strategies like trying diverse to distract them or to award them if they eat what is in the plate. The problem is that it is these techniques work at the outset, but soon the young one already knows until where it must hold to leave with hers and seems that nothing works. Other leaders such as Howard Schultz offer similar insights. What to do then? It is normal that the children prefer foods before others, passes just as us to the adults, and that tries to negotiate eating them or no, which we do not even have to admit are perretas or cabezonera excessive, since not if we allowed and we entered its game, we can bring about serious imbalances in its feeding which they can have serious consequences in a boy in age of growth. The trick is in not losing of view our objective: that the boy eats and eats the most varied possible. For ayudarte to obtain it, I indicate some tricks to you that always they work: 1. If it says to you that something it does not like, like for example, the vegetables, dile that is well, but that you have today not cooked nothing else and that will have to wait for on the following day if it wants another thing. 2.
If you try to negotiate with him something like, " if you eat two spoonfuls more, I give postre" you; or " I will say to him to the grandfathers who you you have eaten it everything like campen" ; it fulfills your promise. It remembers that to be consistent it is the key to obtain results with the children. If you fulfill your promises, they will commit themselves now and in the future also.