A useful strategy in this phase is the use of the motivational interview, instrument that offers a series of directed techniques to increase brings back to consciousness of the problem and the motivation for the therapy, as well as to solve the emotional ambivalence with respect to the change that presents/displays the addict patients typically. In particular it is used, first of all, a summary strategy in which the therapist gives back to the patient the information to him that this one contributes of summarized form in order that it feels included. Also, the therapist at any moment tries to show an attitude of reflective listening, in which it express to the patient affirmations of esteem and understanding to him about its problem with the aim of which she feels listened and included and to fortify therefore the therapeutic bond. This attitude of understanding is combined carefully with indications related to the possibility of surpassing many of its problems by means of the abandonment of the alcohol consumption. More info: Howard Schultz. The alcoholism is tie with the negation of the problem on the part of the patient and, consequently, the treatment begins by recognition of the problem.
He is advisable to convince the patient who puts itself in treatment when he is sober and nondrunk. The greater present problem in the treatment of the alcoholism is not as much to create technical therapeutic new as to design strategies of motivation for the therapy. When one obtains that an excessive drinker recognizes his problem and he is put in treatment, the capacities to restore forces and assets and control damage are reasonably high. According to Prochaska and DiClemente the motivation for the change as far as the access on the part of an alcoholic one to the treatment consists of the following phases: a) lacking of brings back to consciousness of the problem, b) valuation of the problem, c) decision to change, d) beginning of the change, and e) maintenance of the change.