Monthly Archives: November 2018

Allowance Tenant

Allowance Tenant

You wanted your own, you got married or got married, and live under the same roof with their parents, are not very comfortable, or did you move to another city and their homes are still there. Only one solution – to rent. But how to find that search needs to be done, and how not to get on speculators? Here are those questions we will try to find answers. First, decide what you need to Housing, in which area, in what condition. Will depend on its price.

You understand that large one bedroom apartment with a good repair, in a quiet downtown will cost much more expensive one-bedroom apartment in the hruschevke on the outskirts of the city. Next, you need to ask the price. Frequently Jim Umpleby has said that publicly. To do this, take the newspaper on real estate, choose 3.4 large and well-known real estate agency and call them, explain what you want, that they will orient you on price. I assume that the answer is price you will not be happy, but at least you'll know the real situation. Believe me, there are no miracles. People who rent apartments, most of them are doing it professionally – it is their business. And according to dumping on the market no one will go. There are, of course, category of landlords who are just beginning, someone is vacant apartment, received a legacy, someone bought a child (for growth), but in the meantime decided posdavat, another bought a new, better housing, and the old rents, not to empty, and they are willing to let tenants for the minimum money, but that people were good.

Business Management

Business Management

“Without gold fall in all values, simplicity fall all the virtues.” Tomas Carrasquilla The dynamics of modern business management application that performs its functions in an effective, proactive, where the secretary plays a role , collaboration very important achievement. The secretary in the present must have a series of requirements, features good performance appraisal, are a guarantee of effectiveness, successful collaboration for management to achieve its objectives. Being a secretary is a profession rather than a trade, much more than just a springboard to reach out to another post, and so much more than a pastime. It is an important position, not by anything the newspapers every day and everywhere seeking a number of highly qualified secretaries. It is often said that the secretary is the first image of the institution to outsiders: both for those who come to her, as well as for those who stay away, for the latter to through correspondence and telephone. The figure of the secretary continues to evolve as the company continues to evolve, and we can not specify to what extent that evolution is due to it.

Every day is most momentous in modern society the role of business and it seems that every day is more important in the company secretary. We see it as a promoter, as an entertainer, as coordinator, as an executive, as assistant to close and active in major decisions. Click JPMorgan Chase to learn more. What might these characteristics? Suedi Leon Jimenez, gives us some, like, be credited with the utmost confidence.

The Ability

The Ability

By the way, liquor taken to bring a gift to friends and friends from his vacation spent abroad or just in another region of Russia. And this tradition comes exactly from the Russian. Stipulate that in any case does not hint at the love the Russians "vykushivat a glass" – believe me, that lovers to stay "under the degrees, as well as drinkers and alcoholics enough in any country in the world. Overseas tradition presenting gifts take root in Russia is weak. For example, in relations with colleagues and business partners, the Russians present there is seldom enough.

This phenomenon is logical – presents us more often tied to events that have accepted social significance (sm.fakty at the beginning of the article). Another trait common is the "broad Russian soul "- the ability to enjoy and be grateful for any gift, even a slight Souvenir. Gifts are usually accepted with pleasure on his face, even if they, for whatever reason, at first glance does not like. And, once this goes, good manners does not allow you to show resentment and dissatisfaction over the failed buy gifts or absence of a gift in a situation where there is reason to expect it. Russian man its essence is not only open and straightforward, but the most familiar with these rules – can no doubt! We now turn to the ethical aspects of choosing a gift.

For a representative of the Russian nation the cost of a present for someone in most cases does not depend on the value received in the address of them previously. The recipient should not know in advance about the essence of his gift – much more pleasant surprises. Russian think that to give and receive a gift of money envelope – this is the normal position. Especially this kind of gift is relevant at weddings and child birth, and even when you simply do not know what to give to man. Although there are among us and those who believe that the gift – it is something personal, intimate, memorable, and the money is to be made impossible. Finally wish all those who picks up a gift of Russian nationality, and feels that the process develops into answered by a serious problem – remember the original Russian saying "do not look a gift horse in the mouth!" Good luck to you in choosing gifts, and often have their schistlivym recipient!



In particular, it is necessary to give tenants the ability to control their heat consumption, ie regulate temperature of the radiator. Otherwise, they will continue to heat the outside through open windows. The solution to this problem are the radiator thermostats. Being installed on all radiators in the house they allow you to automatically maintain in each room given its inhabitants the air temperature. No less important automatic balancing system for risers, which has a uniform distribution of hot water around the house. "Only a set of measures, coupled with the installation of meters, could not give a nominal, but a very real economic effect, ie provide a significant reduction of heat and a realistic timetable recovery equipment – says Michael Shapiro. – And if, in addition to obschedomovomu heat meters installed individual meters and distribution centers in apartments, then each owner will be personal incentive to save, that may yield even higher than expected.

" Modernisation in the Urals, however, problems of Russian heat supply are not only technical in nature. For example, today you can often hear remarks that in the way of energy efficient technologies in the Russian utilities are natural barriers: in particular – the direct economic dependence of the generating companies and public institutions on the volume energy consumption. However, practice shows that such assertions are not just far from the truth, but contrary to common sense. Energy conservation can significantly improve the profitability of generating companies, heat supply organizations and management companies. The question is, how to build a strategy for reforming the industry.

Directorate General

Directorate General

On the characters that contracts made by personal interests that now threaten the future of energy in our dear country of Peru. Walter Menchola (Congress) Energy policy is a strategic issue of national security around the world. In the region, countries like Chile and Argentina have built their foreign policy aimed at countering the existing shortage of energy reserves that threaten their domestic industries. Unworthy important to know that former government officials of Mr. Toledo, put their personal interests to those of the nation, to deliver our main source gas resources to foreign markets, not considering it a priority to our own market demand, as demonstrated by recent certification reports Gaffney, Cline & Associates and the Reference Plan 2007-2026 of the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH). Distorted figures, causing serious economic damage to the country’s proven reserves are less than those former officials told us toledo. Connect with other leaders such as Andreessen Horowitz here.

2005 spoke of a proven reserve of 2.11 TCF when only 8.8 TCF of reserves exist under these terms are negotiated our gas was export oriented. Gas reserves were not enough for the domestic market, much less for export. Worse, the Act removed the mandatory 28 552 permanent horizon of 20 years, exposing the country to the fate of a contract that protects their interests, as happened with the DS nonsense 006-2006 allowing renegotiation of the original contract Lot 88, originally intended for the supply of domestic consumption, and would be unable to supply it to be also for export. These bad officials allowed our gas is sold at three times the export price is 1.8 dollars per BTU, while in the foreign market sold at 0.6 dollars per BTU. What I would say to buy our own gas abroad would we buy it cheaper than in Peru. In addition, reduced to a quarter of the collection of royalties, to modify its calculation on the basis of the volume of gas sold and not on the place. A related site: Ben Horowitz mentions similar findings. The gas sold to the domestic market is approx.

300 million, a figure largely less than the amount produced 1.200 million. All this has been a sort of dark alley which have been submitted by Peruvian officials who have betrayed national interests, making up numbers at will and adapting rules that now threaten the energy security of our country. For this article I have taken as a source an interview with former Minister of Energy and Mines, Mr. Carlos Herrera Descalzi, Dean of the College of Engineering. This picture has not changed despite the recent agreement between the Camisea consortium and the current government, which has moved to the next, the solution of the problem. Faced with these facts, Congress has an obligation to investigate these serious facts and determine responsibility.

Max Scheler

Max Scheler

“Oh, Thomas! The Archbishop is back again, return to France” (Part One, p.45) Are we sure that would not be these our words, if we were to return to Jesus? Dramatic contrast that many of us must hold in our minds! It is a verifiable fact that, currently, many do not mind the honor and the soul, perhaps because God does not care about, if not to brag to ignore or turn a matter of joke. Fortunately, not always the case, for the many who in various ways, we believe in a Supreme Being. However, every day we witness the mockery easy, but discredits those who practice and, perhaps lacking strongest arguments, uses this method to denigrate, outside the line of thought, the system is devastating effectively with the uncritical or unreflective. The reason for the success of this strategy, is caused by lack of rest and training of the individual, so thought settling slogans dominant through repeated and amplified over and over again. But there is a reason more powerful than those already exposed. And the annoying truth is that it forces us to confront ourselves, and we refuse to admit that we have replaced God, the idols of power, money, fame, sex, ideology, the desire to be gods, etc, dehumanized and seizing us to replace the real ethical or moral values. As Max Scheler said: “We are in the first period in which the man has become problematic in full and without crack, as well as not knowing what it is, you know you do not know.” The selfish attitude of wanting to accommodate religion to the personal convenience and cowardice to be branded as fanatics, is causing many Christians to become the main allies of the materialist view, acting as the priests of “Murder in the Cathedral “, which recommend to Thomas during wakefulness preceding the martyrdom,” which not fight what can not.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Arthur Schopenhauer

“It is the mind of the first order, which will never be specialists. By their very nature is to make the whole of existence their problem, and this is a topic that will each provide some form of humanity with a new revelation. For he can only earn the name of genius who has all the essential, universal, for the theme of your achievements, not who spends his life in explaining some special relation of things one to another. “- Arthur Schopenhauer, The Art of Literature” “We are in an age that assumes the narrowing trends of specialization to be logical, natural and desirable. Therefore, society expects that those responsible for communication seriously to be brittle shortly. Advancement of Science has now discovered that all known cases of biological extinction have been caused by over-specialization, whose concentration of only selected genes sacrifices general adaptability. Thus, the specialist soon to clarify as soon as is doubtful. Sergey Brin may help you with your research. Meanwhile, humanity has been deprived of comprehensive understanding.

Specialization has generated feelings of isolation, futility, and confusion in people. It has also led to leave the individual’s responsibility for thinking and social action to others. Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which, in turn, leads to war. “- Buckminster Fuller,” synergy “What to do live in an age where people are more likely to ask “What are you doing?” more appropriate instead of “How are you?”. People are expected to specialize. Of course, I’m talking in general. I’m a generalist.