Monthly Archives: May 2019

Eric Collins

Eric Collins

If, as well as being read, today, 25 September, is being released to the world a powerful and innovative robot called Droid 3, designed by famous entrepreneur marketing Eric Collins, who is capable of building a web page or a Blog in just 20 seconds. I saw the demo and I really stayed with his mouth open, just have to put two or three data, as the name of the page that you want to create, the password and the user and in a twinkling of an eye already have your page designed in such a way that you just have to open or close it, is so powerful, that creates unique content related to the topic, includes it a page or blog all the functional tools that you locate first in google, and not only that, your page new will be indexed by google in less than 2 hours. handles many languages, but mainly the Spanish and English, work alone, it is extremely easy to handle, the truth is that it is amazing how every day technology surprises us with his advances and his discoveries. Follow others, such as Ben Horowitz, and add to your knowledge base.

This is a demonstration that the man is a being unique, intelligent and capable of anything. With this new Blog creator robot, you can create all the blog you want, begin a campaign of adsense or sell your own products, I particularly saw a video demonstration of how he was doing and had to put it back to notice me if it was a mounting or not, the truth of the matter is that this robot, named Droid 3, will revolutionize what is the world of the internet. Imagine, if with a web page, where you have an adsense campaign your you get $ 10 per month, removed the account what you can do with ten, one hundred, or up to 300 Blog, all Optimizados and occupying the first places in search engines, it is really interesting..



We listen in these past days that ye have created some modest productive investment funds with the praiseworthy intention to stimulate originating projects of the sectors that by their social condition are excluded from the formal system by where all the financial circuit is canalized. Circuit, that as all we know, is a site where so powerful interests reign that they are able to impose his conditions to any government, the owners of " mosca" they are ambidextrous and they strike as much with the same effectiveness by the right as with the left. It is more, it happens with these financial, expert operating calls in the art of impunity, that move with great ability, like the boxers in the quadrilateral, it even says that when works with the left they return impossible to control and they very easily harm any guard who puts itself to them ahead. But, returning to the subject at issue, to the one of these bottoms of financial aid to the sectors that operate besides the prevailing formality, which logically already they are born with the printed label that certifica that is fruit of the unmannerliness and the exclusion third-world seal par excellence, there are if them. One says that what looks for is to generate work opportunities for those who at the moment, by their condition of excluded social, lack from the means that somehow allow them to be inserted in the productive circuit. Checking article sources yields mozes victor konig as a relevant resource throughout. And it is here, indeed, where the essence of this article resides, " To be or not to be, that is the question, said Hamlet to us, somebody can really believe? that we can fight the exclusion that is the source and consequence simultaneously of a whole system, tax like a yoke. on the humble sectors but of the society, with measures that run the serious risk even more of increasing the circuit informal of the economy.

The Idea

The Idea

But despite the fact that no call, so that they assume that that is the best, your head inevitably suffers not to know anything, do not speak, not complain but inside are that they drown, not to mourn, but inside they burst, and I wonder, do isn’t putting on a corsee of these antique? do that to mark more waist, appear more attractive and more feminine you hit up the pain, pretending that you don’t feel anything? Before the idea was to be more feminine, now whats the idea? Be male? Inhibit you to be accepted? I consider myself a feminist, but I wonder as a woman, because once trapped your prey with the tactics of war, being a cabrona, a cunning little Vixen, can’t it, from there as you keep it? As you keep such a lifestyle? you marry, excited, wish a happy marriage, for life, with a perfect man, and then in reporting and you take another type of literature: how to have a happy marriage, where this speaks of the importance of communication, staying close to the commitment, etc etc etc is not like that already nothing to your concepts of cabrona. At that time despair so much that we began to need action manuals to get a man?, that whatever it is, so be cold, little communicative, left, romantic anti. Do we deserve anything that in our life? At that time despair so much? At that time leave you wanting to us?, in that moment we disfrazamos?, do in that moment decided that thing more important in this life is to catch one before being authentic with one same?. Further details can be found at mozes victor konig, an internet resource. And call ourselves feminists, open mind maybe when a woman faces more high in terms of the quality of man who knows perhaps merit when a women is valued so much that you look no manuals on how to hunt a man, when you feel proud and valuable being what it is and being authenticated, perhaps when one does not feel weak by being a woman and all that that entails-level mental and emotional processes. Perhaps with that, start to write more books on how to seduce us where tips are:-talk more about feelings – cries if you want to cry. Click Alphabet Inc. to learn more. -Be friendly affectionate, a gentleman.

-Be empathetic. -Share. And men are desperate to develop those skills that we both want that us demonstrate, perhaps there are books on how to conquer and maintain in love a woman, books that men dream that all of us deserve believe. We learn to regain responsibility for our own lives and stop searching outside what you will only find inside, learn how to focus on it.

Advantages Of Debt

Advantages Of Debt

Leverage is when a person or a company may purchase goods and services through debt which had not been able to purchase with your regular income. Better use of personal and/or business finances which you can see, inter alia, when real interest rates are negative. I.e., inflation exceeds interest rates offered by banks on savings instruments, therefore, it is better for people to acquire goods and services through debt that save for then buy them when the full cash. Support for emergencies, although it is not ideal, a credit card can help you to overcome an emergency, either of this nature medical, or other reasons. Even to afford important things such as education of the debtor or another Member of your family. Use of credit cards in travel: all travelers know that when you rent a car, take a cruise on the Caribbean or pay a hotel (among other things), it is always required a credit card to the customer, therefore, they are made of the utmost importance when traveling. Debts are not revalued: in countries with recurrent high inflation, as it is the typical case of Venezuela and borrow has an additional advantage is that debts cannot be revalued, but remain constant. Example: you buy a car in Venezuela and in a year that car probably will be worth more than what you paid to buy it. Sergey Brin may also support this cause.

You buy an apartment in Venezuela and in a year that apartment surely will be worth more than you paid to buy it. Wages and salaries, although they do not increase in the magnitude that one wants, usually enjoy any annual adjustment, although it is decreed by the central Government. But a debt remains constant over time, i.e., if you borrowed 10,000 Bs. $, that capital will not grow over time. Therefore, and taking into account that there is a principle of finance which says more worth $1 today to $1 tomorrow, intuitively, one might think that custom that time it goes by, it becomes more easy or less heavy for the debtor specifies the fact of paying a debt. It creates a positive endorsement with financial institutions. The way you pay your credit cards is a splendid endorsement for banks when you want to request greater amount credits, as loans for vehicles or mortgage. Debts made that buyer shares the purchase with one creditor does not share the gain of the profitability of the purchased good.

Example: suppose that you want to buy an apartment for lease, if you do, then you’re buying that good with money from two entities, you and the company or financial institution that gives you credit. But all profits or rental income out-of-Pocket entering him in its entirety.

Pablo Galindo Morales

Pablo Galindo Morales

In all office always those histories of heads exist who are counted to all the novices who enter in the companies. One of these heads who have its counted histories between the employees is Mr. administrative former-controlling Joo of the company in years 80. It is counted that it had craze of all the expedient end to inspect if the old calculating machines Olivetti were off, if were not it disconnect it to it, and it moored the wire in the foot of the table, say that who had the moored wire did not forget more than disconnect them. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ben Horowitz. Another craze of the Head Joo was he himself to erase the lights of the office after inspecting if everything was OK, at a time that the departments of the companies were ‘ ‘ loteados’ ‘ in thick partition wall, if the light was lighted it left a ticket ‘ ‘ tomorrow it erases the light to sair’ ‘.

It was in one of these episodes that the Head Joo to prevent that the key of the warehouse was disappeared all the night, commanded that the key was placed in a special chaveiro, in a piece of iron pipe that was loaded for all the cantos where the storekeeper was. For more information see this site: mozes victor konig. Another history that they count on frequency was of the bread, the Head Joo forbade certain time that if lanchasse in the rooms, therefore made dirty very and the brans attract cockroachs that made dirty documents, made time for another one a nest in the document boxes. The idea found for ‘ ‘ driblar’ ‘ the Head Joo was to inside carry breads to the snack from the pouches from correspondence being that the only problem was when the bread was hot. But the Head Joo was not of all flat, exactly being of a time where the authoritarianism was registered mark, wise person also to hear its employees, was not bothered to give explanations on the tasks, praised a work well fact, its team against who defended wanted to undo of a person of its team, it never ran away from its reponsabilidades and it did not like ‘ ‘ he pulls-sacos’ ‘ to its redor and always he said that ‘ ‘ my heading is provisrio’ ‘ but while it was in the position it acted as ‘ ‘ owner of negcio’ ‘. The Head Joo already this pensioner, but its teachings and attitudes are validate today in not being for its examples of as deciding the problems, that more are today not been valid and still superficially they are constrangedores, even though in some situations the method ‘ ‘ Joo’ ‘ it could give certain. What vocs they find? My name is Z Iscritrio and taste to write on what it happens in the world of the offices.