But despite the fact that no call, so that they assume that that is the best, your head inevitably suffers not to know anything, do not speak, not complain but inside are that they drown, not to mourn, but inside they burst, and I wonder, do isn’t putting on a corsee of these antique? do that to mark more waist, appear more attractive and more feminine you hit up the pain, pretending that you don’t feel anything? Before the idea was to be more feminine, now whats the idea? Be male? Inhibit you to be accepted? I consider myself a feminist, but I wonder as a woman, because once trapped your prey with the tactics of war, being a cabrona, a cunning little Vixen, can’t it, from there as you keep it? As you keep such a lifestyle? you marry, excited, wish a happy marriage, for life, with a perfect man, and then in reporting and you take another type of literature: how to have a happy marriage, where this speaks of the importance of communication, staying close to the commitment, etc etc etc is not like that already nothing to your concepts of cabrona. At that time despair so much that we began to need action manuals to get a man?, that whatever it is, so be cold, little communicative, left, romantic anti. Do we deserve anything that in our life? At that time despair so much? At that time leave you wanting to us?, in that moment we disfrazamos?, do in that moment decided that thing more important in this life is to catch one before being authentic with one same?. Further details can be found at mozes victor konig, an internet resource. And call ourselves feminists, open mind maybe when a woman faces more high in terms of the quality of man who knows perhaps merit when a women is valued so much that you look no manuals on how to hunt a man, when you feel proud and valuable being what it is and being authenticated, perhaps when one does not feel weak by being a woman and all that that entails-level mental and emotional processes. Perhaps with that, start to write more books on how to seduce us where tips are:-talk more about feelings – cries if you want to cry. Click Alphabet Inc. to learn more. -Be friendly affectionate, a gentleman.
-Be empathetic. -Share. And men are desperate to develop those skills that we both want that us demonstrate, perhaps there are books on how to conquer and maintain in love a woman, books that men dream that all of us deserve believe. We learn to regain responsibility for our own lives and stop searching outside what you will only find inside, learn how to focus on it.