Social psychology Contemporary 9 edition. Learn more at: Caterpillar. Publishing companies voices, 2011. Boff, Leonardo. The Eagle and the Hen. Petrpolis: Voices, 1998. 14 edition.
Wikipdia, free encyclopedia. ATTACHED I Questionnaire Applied with Pedagogo Professional. 1- How pedagogo (a) can ahead assist the professor of on difficulties the inclusion of pupils who present necessities diversified in classroom? ' ' I assist the professors, in the development of the contents to be worked in classroom, of form that the content, the activities are common to all the pupils. What dumb they are the strategies and recursos' '. 2- Of that it forms the responsible person for the pupil can contribute with the socialization of the same in the pertaining to school space? ' ' Our school is located in; let us say ' ' In an area of risco' ' , displayed crime, to the use and I traffic of drugs, our concern with what it says the socialization of educating, and of its parents and the proper pupils, the idea of that the school and the place safest, acolhedor Then we promote plantes pedagogical, monthly meeting with the parents, where we divulge carried through activities, the performance, the difficulties of its children (the parents) participate of the pertaining to school life of its children, together to find solues' '. 3- You find that the organization of the pedagogical work in the school facilitates the envolvement of the pupil with the activities of the classroom? Because? ' ' Yes, Claro' '! ' ' We develop some projects, developed, here in the school and others in partnership with the governments, municipal theatre, state and federal that has very in the favored one in the pedagogical development. I can until citing some as: IAB, MORE EDUCATION, ALFAEBETO. 4- It has some pupils whom preconception for its form suffers from speaking? Which its opinion on this? Of that you form chore with this situation? ' ' Some pupils, more shy exist, reserved that of some form they go being excluded for the colleagues of group even though auto if it excludes.