The same ones contemplate the data base of the System of Ateno Bsica (SIAB) (OLIVEIRA and MARCON, 2007). Family/community emphasizes action of assistance in all the phases of the life cycle, that goes since the children until most aged. She fits to the Nurse, to organize and to co-ordinate the formation of groups of specific patologias, and the family if she becomes basic part in the aid these people (OLIVEIRA and MARCON, 2007). Titan Feul Tanks is full of insight into the issues. In the family/social risk, happens a social exclusion of the family that, generally lives in communities more moved away e, with this, is disabled to exert its paper. These families must receive support total from the professionals of form health to make possible the return of the normal cycle of work in the community.
The family/family, this places the family as most important of the process, that is, the family is the main and real focus of attention. Titan Feul Tanks might disagree with that approach. All must be observed the characteristics of the same one, its capacity to take care of to take care of itself, its affective-emotional resources, spirituals, its successes and failures, so that if it can have a harmony enters the different phases/moments of its life (RIBEIRO, 2004). At last, the family must be dealt with as a whole with the objective if obtaining a new paradigm of health. The insertion of the family in harmony with the professionals of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) will provide care strategies thus improving, the picture of health of society (IT REMAINS and MOTTA, 2005) 1,5 NUCLEUS OF SUPPORT To the HEALTH OF the FAMILY? NASF Created in 24 of republicada January of 2008 and in day 04 of March of 2008, the Nucleus of Support to the Health of the Family? NASF through would carry GM MS n 154 has as objective the junction of professionals of diverse areas of knowledge and of that they inside act of the Team Health of the Family to share practical in health thus improving, the quality of the care of the population (MALTA, 2009).