Paratanto interviews had only enriched the research because this half a fontesbibliogrficas will go to extend this quarrel. In face of this to it I finish it mesmodocumento is possible to appraise a valuable instrument of research for futurosestudantes of Letters, which in formation for the teaching have for obligation umaprofundamento in this study, istovenha to contribute for the success of its teaching work. However before sealmejar to arquitetar strategies for the literature education a same apreciaodesta will be viable literature in its essence. For more information see this site: Stuart B. Solomon. Only thus, when this apprehension to secompletar will be possible to integrate this knowledge to education; why partirda projection of education will not become only to transfer information; esclarecidodo value and importance of literature unquestionedly, the educator to vaiutilizar this resource its favor and of its pupils. As well as the informing diversidadedos, the material of bibliographical matrix will be given. Since partindode different boardings will be possible to discourse with more easiness on oassunto in guideline. Beyond contributing with clarifications and tips of comorealizar this education; the authors had elucidated by means of some quarrels cited talimportncia to literature.
Foramentrevistados three informers: one does not possess specific formation for ensinarliteratura excessively possesss this formation; however still well different position possesss a look euma on the subject. Also the strategies tomadaspara to attract the attention and the interest of the pupils if distinguish sufficiently. possvel to affirm that these on the part some are made of random form or emmaior damage: literature is apprehended outside of an artistic focus. Muitasvezes remains for the pupils enfadonhas lessons filled of episdioshistricos integrated with the biography of some author of prominence in the style depoca. As if when showing some poem or I break up of a workmanship was suficientepara if to consider these lessons as ' ' of literatura' '. In this perspectivaenfatiza that a didactics with these characteristics must it elements alemde one formation: the pleasure of the citizen for the manifest Art in its lessons.