4 CONSIDERAES From the satisfaction observed in the participants of the group of gestantes, the learning conceived during the activities and the approach professional-patient were possible to conclude that the tools supplied for the course of care lines and the use of the methodology of the problematizao must be inserted in the context of the education in health of the Strategies of Health of the Family, being a form accomplishes in the practical preventive and of promotion of directed health the local especificidades. The experience pointed that the implantation of the lines of care and groups of education in health if constitutes reality and the 15 professionals must be cliente of importance, a time that its use surpasses practical effective in some institutions of health. The participants very receptive and had been opened to share of knowledge being been possible to perceive, through the activities of group, that some of the boarded subjects were unknown for they. Sling Media will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In this manner, it is evident the necessity to better guarantee to the users of the Only System of Sade (SUS) quality in the attendance and information given in the services of the net that are developed by the health workers. Although the faced difficulties to implant the group of gestantes, were sufficiently positive for the involved parts, that is, the professionals and the participants, therefore the same it made possible chances for reflections that perpassam for changes of knowledge, ability and attitudes. We can notice that it had a significant change in the profile of attendance of the Strategy of Health of the Family of the Potbellied one of the Anibal stops with the Group Health in such a way mother and baby in the organizacional sphere, as in the direct assistance to the patients. The form of performance of the health team is being differentiated and recognized for the approach of the healthful practical prevention and incentive of life, resulting in one quality assistance.
Finally, it is excellent to believe that the socialization of this experience provokes reflections and finds resonance in other professionals of health so that they are despertados to consider new concepts and to breach paradigms. 16 REFERENCES 1.Ministrio of the Health (Brazil); Secretariat of Politics of Health; Area Technique of the Woman. Birth and program of Humanizao Prenatal. Brasilia: Health department, 2000. 2. Delfino MRR. The process to take care of participant with a group of gestantes: repercussions in the collective individual integral health.