This study established as central question to demonstrate the relevance of a Strategical Planning applied the church growth, or properly speaking, a local church. The strategical planning allows that the organization takes party plaintiff in the configuration of its future, that is, it can undertake activities and to influence in them e, consequentemente, can control its destination, fact, this, recognized as beneficial for many administrators, therefore who has the responsibility to direct the organizations goes too far it the changes of entorno and establishes flexible plans and structures that allow the adaptation, the innovation and the confrontation of any situation not foreseen.
It is undeniable that all organization, today, if to want to survive or to consolidate its company, must elaborate a strategical plan that will serve of guide in the uncertain world-wide economic panorama. It is therefore that strategical planning, in accordance with Mintzberg (2006), became a basic tool of the administration to stimulate its development and to search a direction well definite. What the strategical planning does not offer is the possibility to create a strategical plan of internal and external factors for, later, to create strategies to reach its objectives and established goals. Also, today, the ecclesiastical institutions had only left of being seen as a conglomerate of people, who if congregated for louvores and devotions, and that they were worried exclusively about the daily tasks, with all on to the questions spirituals. If it had growth with new members adhering to the movement, this act was attributed the God; but, if, in contrast, it had shrinking, also this attributed age the God. That is, the act to manage and to manage an organization religious was on, of a form or another one, to the questions spirituals. It lacked, however, knowledge technician for parts of that they manage the churches, beyond the techniques of planning models that could alavancar better resulted for these organizations.