The famed Ludwigshafen physician Dr. Heinz Losel published his memoirs in a weblog the famed Ludwigshafen physician Dr. Heinz Losel has now published the memories of his life on the Internet. The now 91-year-old former family doctor of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl and holder of the Bundesverdienstkreuz, first class, has published experiences, events and stories in the form of a weblog based on portal technology of the Ludwigshafen IT company Fasihi, whose team supported him with. Under the Internet address can be read after the sometimes exciting, entertaining and instructive stories, poems, fairy tales and stories. The author, active during a recognized and respected surgeon in these memoirs on an eventful and interesting life looks back.
These are sometimes formative experiences of the second world war, where he had meetings with fascinating people. These are the days in which he was doctor of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl with medical advice and assistance to the page. And not to forget his 30 years use as a sports physician of the German shooting Federation (DSB), whose athletes he accompanied to numerous competitions such as the European Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games. The still very active physician would like to pass on the many experiences and with this publication from his long life on today’s generation. His stories can be read perfectly, because the weblog into manageable and relatively short sections with individual stories and poems is classified.
The motto of his life runs like a red thread through the tales of Dr. Heinz Losel: “When you first sees people as people, is always there for them and only secondarily for the money, then this is also the meaning of the Hippocratic oath.” About company Fasihi GmbH: Company Fasihi GmbH provides a flexible and personalized portal solution for the appearance on the Internet, but also for internal company communication (intranet), or for the exclusive communication with business partners (Extranet) to. These include a full Web infrastructure and the complete all-round support. The most important product of the 1990 by CEO Saeid Fasihi of company headquartered in Ludwigshafen is Fasihi Enterprise Portal with the most difficult company individual information and communication requirements meet themselves. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises is the business and communication solution fep2B (Fasihi Enterprise Portal to business to available). Of the Fasihi GmbH portal solutions range from simple standard solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises to sophisticated solutions for large corporations such as for example the world’s largest chemicals company BASF SE in Ludwigshafen. Work over 40,000 employees with over 50 portal solutions on the basis of the Fasihi Enterprise Portal.