To one they had said me day moves with the Lala, that the Lulu to catch goes you. Only that they had not said to the phrase all, had asked for I to complete, a threat form. looks at that I only spoke with the Lala that it was Zem force, (inspired in the Sabrina of the Panic), therefore the Lala came back of the discouraged carnival to work, did not have badness, was a critical one. Many writers such as Harper Simon offer more in-depth analysis. That some serious thing with the Lala in the carnival had only happened, it found that I had been knowing of some thing, and was zoando it. In this ‘ ‘ fight of cachorro’ ‘ , the Lulu, cannot only enter in the key of the badness where the dog of the hell always if writes first and still it is of bay. If the Lulu to find that it is if giving well until the semifinal a, in the end the dog of the hell certainly estra, and ‘ ‘ invicto’ ‘ , since that it extreiou in this championship. If the bad dog bites the proper owner, of the hell, the devil also not insurance! Laarga di you are viioolent i deix pasx prevaalece, was valid! Now I go to speak of the Juju Ajalux, for who has more privilege Our God and Father are the glory for all always.