It is alone to participate of a corporative, enterprise meeting or of managemental level to perceive this. Ideas do not lack to decide definitive problems, but little it is argued why the problem happened, when it started and for the hands of who it passed unobserved. Normally the problems are decurrent of the imperfection of some of that they are in the full meetings of ideas to decide them. Then it is a question in air. ' ' Why such professionals still are there? ' '. – He will be that it is the fact to be politicians and if to incase perfectly to the system? They only speak what the system wants to listen despite it is incapable to execute? – He will be that it is the fact to be simple academic theoreticians without a practical vision of the things, but that they incased themselves perfectly to it I announce of the vacant of job when contracted? – He will be that they are being badly used inside of its aptitudes and true capacities, clearly forgetting its formations academic, they could be painting a picture, writing a book, or until making one cafezinho. – He will be that exactly they are worried in deciding the problem since they are untouchable for its proximity with influential people and being able of decision? – He will be that it is a form to gain time before is perceived its incompetence to be where it is? The call ' ' embromeixam' ' , ' ' it goes that cola' ' , ' ' vez' tries another one; ' , etc. The truth is that while situations me the management, me the administration and corporativismo go happening employee of lower level they go suffering the consequences. How many they will be taxed of imcompetent people, defective, will have the progress of its engaged careers and until they will be dismissed until true the responsible one to appear.