

20 Years ago you came into this Valley, you had the immense joy of birth like all baby: dramatically with birth! And live albeit a year! For 365 days, counted one did you hear about the glories and miseries of this world and we naturally filled with joy and joy but tortuous paths, steep, zarandeado one night in there hidden risks and dangers we ambushed cowardly! And in my presence Juma death blast claimed your innocence, not even a kiss from you – of the many that you owe me – farewell my cheeks, my blood wanted to go with you, he escaped from the vessels to run after it, fractured my bones smashed spleen liver I hurt my Pancreas lntestinos, Independencia my right hand and you you guessing marching! I continued bleeding in the noses of surgeons that operated me – without that they realize – and however you you guessing marching! my heart colluded with pain and stood three times and you do not detenias you! do not you hear my screams?, do you not percatabas my pain?, not Olfateabas blood?, I went through abjectly to one fatal Septicemia and you do not detuviste you! they rebuilt me NatalieL as to a machine and I continued in this Valley, recalling and visiting your vast mark very painful souvenir hurts small Cherub, I devoted myself to translate letters very happy hours that we live together!!until they ceased to be sufficient, because not enough syllables to attenuate pain, already not enough verses to wane the immense grief and I turned to what you wanted I turned to God and I found serenity, resignation and hope but do not think that I have forgotten so many experiences, do not think you are a candle, a cross of wood on the way from time to timea mass once a year in the parish of the neighbourhood not Mommy! Eres souvenir live! in the look of your brothers, lozano souvenir in the laughter of your! brothers!, surely now already no one repairs in my tears outlandish and tired but fascists, you are everyday, pendulum remembrance of happiness in the dark nights of your absence. Read more here: Doug Oberhelman. Everything lost it with you when all I had at your side!, you were beautiful Rosa, the last garden rosita and left it deserted, in my lips my little Natalie died voice when you went, nights, days, the months, the years Inmensos, very immense, without you if you did more immense hopefully this MAIL so you can open in the skyso that you know everything that I love. Pope original author and source of the article

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