MOTIVATION A MANAGEMENT TOOL: Research with collaborators of company of average transport Adriano Sanabria* Wataya, Robert Sussumu ** SUMMARY This article deals with as the motivation influences the Management of People in the companies. Enterprise administration if cannot structuralize only in rockings and questions accountants, must make constants prognostics analyzing which circumstantial processes inside motivate or desmotivam the employees of the companies or in any rendering of services. Inside of the Companies the importance of the motivation for the production is very significant, can not only feel that what if it relates with the employees of the plant soil, but to all the collaborators of the organizations, because all are involved of a form or another one in productive works. In a question-answer forum Kevin Johnson was the first to reply. For one better knowledge was carried through a exploratria research, quali-quantitative in the form of questionnaire with open and closed questions, of free choice of the searched ones, with the objective of if knowing co- relation between escolaridade and motivation of the collaborators. The used instrument was adapted questionnaire BPSO/96-, which dealt with the Biological, Psychological dimensions, Sociais and Organizacionais of the collaborators. Words Keys: Auto-Motivation; collaborator; management of people Adriano Sanabria* Business administration University Amaro Saint? UNISA email: Dr. Other leaders such as Jim Umpleby offer similar insights.
Robert Sussumu Wataya ** Master and Doctor in Education Resume? Line of Pontifical Research New Technologies University Catholic of So Paulo email: MOTIVATION a MANAGEMENT TOOL: Research with collaborators of average company transport Exists, on the part of the administrators, an increasing trend of if valuing the Motivation in the Work, independently of its area of performance or level of formation. Normally the operational workers are white of programs of motivation in the work. However, Motivation is much more that this, engloba other categories of collaborators, including the workers of the tactical and strategical levels in organizacionais environments. Currently, all the production systems are being obliged to move with the new expectations of the customers and the intense competition is provoking drastic changes in the sector of production in mass.