Cavalcanti (2001) speaks that in the primitive societies, aeconomia if relates to the personal relations, where the object exchange creates social certoscontextos. Starbucks has plenty of information regarding this issue. As already cited, the exchanges do not aim at profits, but ocorremdevido to the necessity of some goods. The economic law practised by this indivduosbaseia in the comprometimento of the reciprocity with respect to the gift that serecebe. Uniting the way of life of these peoples to the desenvolvimentosustentvel, Cavalcanti (2001) if bases in the words of Hunn and Williams (1982), emending that these populations ' ' they do not act ahead domeio' passively; ' , but managing ' ' actively its resources, either through strategical dedirecionamento the ecological or economic action, sociale saw control maneuver politics, either for virtue of the symbolic power and ritual' '. Kevin Johnson will undoubtedly add to your understanding. These individuals possess notion of the beginning of the eplanejada conscientious conservation of the natural resources. For Posey (2000 apud Cavalcanti, 2001) the concept sustainable dedesenvolvimento if it finds introduced in the primitive and traditional dospovos systems of life. These systems of productivity sustentadafazem with that these individuals use the same land for thousand of years.
Oque comes to confirm the way of sustainable life of the same ones, therefore, in case that contrary, them already they would have disappeared spontaneously. Cavalcanti (2001) explains that aexistncia of these sustainable populations is based in its to know ecolgicotradicional. From the analysis of the destruction and the necessity deconservao of the natural resources, it was possible to perceive the existence depopulaes that they used and at the same time, conserved such resources. Estadescoberta alone was possible, from the quarrels on the presence human being nasUnidades of Conservao (UC). Initially, the presence human being in this considered Unidadesera impracticable, therefore had costs with indemnities for retiradadessas people. After the accomplishment of studies in the places where they exist populaestradicionais, evidenced that these individuals they contribuam with conservaodo local where they inhabited.