The Messiah could do (in fact, then convert the water into wine and multiplied the loaves and fish) but it was not to please the devil and why his first response was: "It is written:" I do not live by bread alone man but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. " The devil had to face some friends (we will not have cost any effort), but gave up and returned to the load. Took Jesus to the holy city and, when they were in the top of the temple, where he presented a unexpected request: "If thou be the Son of God, throw yourself down, it is written:" I will order his angels hold in their hands, lest you dash a stone "(Psalm 91: 11-12) Jesus did not have cost do what was asked but it was clear that he would not be tempted. Satan not only read but memorized Scripture portions thereof. But Jesus answered with the same weapon, a citation of the word: – "It is written not to test the Lord your God" (Deuteronomy 6:16) was the second answer of Jesus and his forcefulness would think that everything ended at the time, but the devil had other plans. Took Jesus to a mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in its full glory: "All this will give you if you fall down and worship me." It was the height of audacity and Jesus instead of one, gives two answers.
First he says, with a firm tone, that he understands well, Satan Go! And then he recalls one of the highest principles of the believer: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone "(Deuteronomy 6:13). That yes, with obvious signs of firmness, the devil has no choice but to flee. The four words used by Jesus to confront Satan met in order to defeat him. But to us it is clear that being evil is bold since he dared to tempt none other than the Son of God. So we must be prepared for a fight that is long and difficult and in which our best and only weapon is God's protection.