Fiorillo (2006) defines work environment as: ' ' The place where the people play its activities labor either remunerated or not, whose balance is based on the salubrity of the way and the absence of agents who compromise the physicist-psychic incolumidade of the workers, independently of the condition that ostentem.' ' Saints (2000), say that surrounding of work it is: ' ' The set of physical, climatic factors or any another one that linked, or not, is gifts and involves the workstation of pessoa' ' This last definition adapta to the species the rule of the article 3, I, of Law N. 6,938/81, that it defines environment in general: ' ' Set of the conditions, laws, influences and interactions of physical, chemical and biological order, that allows, shelters and conducts the life in all its formas' '. Theoretically, environment of the work appears to the side of the natural environment that is constituted by deriving the physical and biological elements of entorno: ground, water, atmospheric air, flora, fauna and its interactions between itself and with the way, it environment artificial that he is composed for the constructed urban space, that understands the set of constructions (closed space urban) and of the public equipment (urban space opened) and of the cultural environment formed by the historic site, artistic, archaeological and tourist. Although these definitions if do not only limit to these definitions something more to be coat, these citations serve as a norteador for the understanding of what it comes to be the work environment. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kevin Johnson. With this, one perceives that to be accomplished work needs a minimum physical space to work it and this area is pronounced as surrounding of work. For being a physical environment it suffers to intromission from diverse natures, being influence of physical, chemical, ergonomic, biological nature. These interventions compromise the performance of the developed activities and need a control, therefore beyond interrupting the labor activities it can cause damages to that they participate of this environment. .