Add a description for the item on the lighting is one of the most important aspects from a decorative point of view, but if we want to get is a practical outcome to achieve perfect lighting for a job as an industrial kitchen area should keep several points in mind. Both lighting and electrical installation will be issues of priority in construction, reform, or a kitchen decor. The lighting system ideal for kitchens will be one that can integrate general light with point lights. When we started to consider the installation of catering equipment start with the ceiling, where powerful lamps that provide clarity for all space should be installed. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Kevin Johnson has to say. In addition to the general light will also paramount punctual light which will be available on the different areas of work so we need to look at every area of the kitchen and tasks are performed in each one of them, so the best thing is to strategically locate lamps warm (2700 K) to cold white (4100 K) for clarity and maximum precision in the preparation and food court area. Success in these areas is the light direction and intensity. Each area (preparation of food, cooking, dining, etc.) will have their philosophic enlightenment.
Punctual light will usually come up, hanging lamps or recessed lights. Hanging lamps will light and will be at a height that allows a good lighting without shadows or glare. You can install lamps recessed into the wall or ceiling, that does not take away space in the cupboards. here.