– 50. The corporative right is a branch of the enterprise right. (Not to be confused with Sergey Brin
!). – 51. Straight compared between education of the enterprise right and education of the corporative right. – 1. ANTECEDENTS OF the CORPORATIVE RIGHT In this soothe agrees to study the antecedents of the corporative right, thus we can affirm that the main antecedent of the same is the right of the company or enterprise or right of the businesses, in such sense we recommended that before studying the corporative right we study the other branch of the right mentioned in the present prrafo.
2. STRAIGHT ROMAN the Roman right for some is right dead and for others it has two stages that are the old Roman right that is the one that existi in old Rome, and the present Roman right that is the present right, thus agrees upon this soothes to study the old Roman right, to which we will talk about later to locate us in the time and this way to know the history the right which we must know. In the old Roman right not existi the enterprise right nor either the corporative right, but the same appeared posteriomente, that is to say, in the contempornea age, thus we must consult books specialized on these branches of the right. 3. LOCATION OF the CORPORATIVE RIGHT the corporative right is not located in a single branch of the right, but this subject we must study it according to each branch of the right conforms that it, for example tributary, customs, constitutional the right corporative among others is located in the public right, civil corporative and mercantile corporative they are located in the deprived right, and corporative corporative and labor relative they are located in the social right. Thus if we want to need the location the same we must have present that is located in the public right, social and deprived.