– Dmitry, a few years ago the creation of the site was considered the lot of the advanced companies. What has changed today? – The situation changed radically. After reducing the cost of advertising and marketing, many companies, the question arose as express themselves, how to interest and attract buyers? Moreover, many budgets have been minimal. Then the eyes of business owners turned to the Internet. In World Wide Web there are lots of advantages compared with other advertising media: a huge audience, the ability to place a large amount of information, an interactive work with potential customers at the level of acquaintance, etc. Therefore more and more companies build their of the network in order to earn money. – The owner of the company decided to create a website. What do I do next? – First you need to decide why you website, what task it should perform and what benefits will company with his appearance? After that you should turn to professionals.
Amateur work feels at first sight and this fact may have to play against the business owner. The reputation of the company is not worth saving, and the choice of developer of your site should be taken seriously, to learn experience in the IT market, learn from previous works, to know our customer testimonials. Be sure to sign a legal contract for site development – a guarantee that all work will be done at a certain time and for a nominal fee. The first person with whom in the direction of Internet technologies "TyumBITa" communicate clients – marketing consultant.