Few people have sat down to analyze deeply what they want in life, or what circumstances cause them true happiness, if we stop a bit to think about shapes and patterns that exist in the society soon we will realize that many people only follow the trends of the majority or let others think for themselvesfor example I remember I studied a master’s degree and find myself with the vast majority of my former classmates I realize that more than 90% is not even exercising area of expertise that we studied, many are repentant, others want to get a different one, etc. What I can say from my own experience is that we do not think seriously if those studies was our true desire and we let ourselves be guided by the current that is now necessary to obtain master’s degrees, I do not say that you have not learned anything or that those additional studies were a waste, but in my case I analyze the cost and time, by what I consider that it would have been more satisfying for my having invested in the companies that have now, what happened?, well spent as the majority of people and it is following a trend or line of thought without analyzing if that brings real satisfaction and happiness, for example we know that titles represent some kind of recognition, but now I can say certainly that this is only an implanted belief and something which is remarked with the time. The truth is that the study opens up many possibilities and I will always incite the people who do it, but we must ponder what we wish, it is not correct to make decisions lightly because it’s our life, will at the end be us who will pay the price to live in bitterness due to a bad decision, why always must be clear about the path of our dreamseach one of us have come here to be happy, but paradoxically this is not happening in many people I speak with friends, family, I have visited several public and private companies and I find that these people are not happy with the work performed, feel frustration every day that rise to his works, etc. This should not be .tenemos to thoroughly rethink our life, we make decisions that help us feel a great happiness. Life will always be filled with obstacles we need to overcome, but when we are in the correct path each adverse circumstance becomes a challenge and invades us a great emotion to overcome each barrier that we present, however when we are in the path wrong every day will be an ordeal, they will spend the years we will have many troubles, in addition we will not give the best of each one of us and we affect our work and our lives. Each of us deserve true joy and happiness, are spectacular and wonderful beings, we are huge stars, but we can only shine if we are on the road that give us great satisfaction, it’s our life, not demos feet back to what we want, although initially it may seem far away, all success stories have had to overcome major obstacles but the reward It is a wonderful experience, you was born to be great, make this trip a spectacular adventure.