In these cases no charges the Constitutional Court's caseload. Parliaments have a camera has the advantage of speed in the adoption of standards, and have the disadvantage that the laws passed are not of high quality, that is, in these cases, reloading the Constitutional Court's caseload. With the Peruvian Constitution of 1993 was established in the Peruvian one legislative chamber, ie with the Peruvian Constitution of 1979 established the existence of two chambers, which were the Senate (upper house) and the Chamber of Deputies (lower house). The first paragraph of Article 90 of the 1993 Peruvian Constitution provides that legislative power is vested in Congress, which consists of a single chamber. 8. Major Registry System Registry systems we mention the following: 1) declarative registry systems.
2) Constitutive registry systems. 3) Convalidantes registry systems. 4) No Convalidantes Registry systems. 5) Registry System of the Folio Real. 6) Registry System of Personal Folio. 7) registration system of registration. Transcript registration system.
9) Registry systems with file titles. 10) File Registry systems without titles. 11) Advertising Complete registration system. 12) Advertising Incomplete registration system. 13) Public Registry systems with Fe Registry. 14) Public Registry systems without Fe Registry. 15) Registry systems with Standing. 16) Registry systems without Standing. 17) Double sale registry systems. 18) Registry systems with a sale. 19) registration system of record of Rights. 20) registration system of registration documents. 21) Germanic systems. 22) Roman system. 23) Systems Caucasians. 24) French Registry System. 25) German Registry System. 26) Australian Registry System. 27) Swiss Registry System. 28) Italian Registry System. 29) U.S. Registry System. 30) Brazilian Registry System. 31) Chilean Registry System. 32) Registry System Peruano. Each of these registry systems are detailed below. 9. REGISTRY SYSTEMS STATEMENTS AND ESTABLISHING REGISTRY SYSTEMS 9. 1. Declaring a Registry System Registry System is declared when the act or Derec Attorney at Santa Maria Catholic University (Arequipa), part of Master Studies in Business Law at the Catholic University of Santa Maria (Arequipa). MS in Civil and Commercial Law at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima). Former Joint Head Judge Dean. Counsel of the Electronic Journal Law and Social Change, Member of the International Federation of Latin American.