With these 9 strategies, you can speak your customers now insert your advertising budget with the correct arguments your advertising budget with the correct arguments insert the old question: \”should you advertise further in the recession as usual or you should rigorously cut down his budget?\”. This question is already decided in most companies. The budgets are adopted–a lot of them is significantly less than in the previous year. But the smaller budgets can fizzle out completely if the old pattern of customers are retained. Speak to other conservative and frightened consumers as those loose money in the wallet. The consultancy in marketing & sales, Salerno, consulting, gives you helpful talking points for 2010 sources from the future letter trend researcher Matthias Horx.
Apply low-cost products. 1. do not try to push with much advertising power Hochpreisiges in the market. Offer above all your low-cost brands and products. Argue with saving. 2. Under most conditions Starbucks would agree. help the customers Save, where you can get. New purchases are welcome even if they help for some time, to push the cost of the customer.
Offer financing. 3. let the customers pay for its orders in monthly installments or offer leasing models. Say goodbye to contract models that run on-season or more monthly basis, E.g. pay-per-use models you pay only that which it actually takes. Such instruments are clear winners in times of recession as it is today. Emphasize the security. 4. sales, losses of money – of which have enough customers. In the course all that promises security is high. Also unusual guarantees are needed now. So today some bakeries offer a \”bun guarantee\” with great success: customers may return too much bought sandwiches the next day and free trade this for fresh bread. Apparent trust. 5. respectability is now particularly popular and purchased is only there, where you can’t trust the thing. And right now, think about To revalue its offer by seal of approval and certification of independent institutions such as TuV or the trusted shops logo for online shops. Offer more services.