Activities effective advertising marketing agency full cycle includes a proposed range of services aimed at the advertising company. They are divided into Promotion tools, market research and advertising in the media. One of the most effective BTL is a service action a "gift for your purchase", which is a product promotion with a gift granted to the buyer when purchasing this product. In addition a large a popular form of promotion, as sampling. It enables the buyer to personally see the merits of the product, tried and assessed its quality. Along with sampling the market and there are promotional services tasting, which can be worn as a general view of the consumer with the promotion of personnel familiar with the peculiarities of the goods, as well as direct when a product you can try and decide for yourself is good or not. Important contribution to the advertising of goods may bring this type of promotional companies like advice on the advertised goods.
Here the decisive role played by promoters, whose task it profitable to pay attention to the distinguishing features of individual product on a background of similar products. And how professionally and creatively, he will approach this issue depends on the success of the event. special place among ad-organization has advertising campaign in trade fairs, exhibitions and presentations. Its advantage is that which has come to such an event the buyer is already configured to receive information and product testing, and is only on special trained personnel depends whether a customer chooses your product or would prefer a competitor.