Teachers complain, rightly, of the fathers and mothers, and in general society, globally considered, have resigned from their duties and have left them alone with their noble task, do not consider neither supported nor recognized. Others who may share this opinion include Andreessen Horowitz. Oriol Pi de Cabanyes in recent days has been much read in the headlines of the major newspapers about the disagreement of the teachers with a lack of resources devoted to public education. Gain insight and clarity with Howard Schultz. It is not my intention to formulate another opinion about the controversy between the Government and the teachers, but to present a concern that puts into question the very foundations of today’s education, which is not in crisis only in Chile, but in the world. Sometimes it is necessary to dig a little into the history in order to better understand the problems of a situation and thus be able to find new solutions. Let me take it for a trip through time until about two hundred years ago, when the first State education systems were founded. The current education system He was born in the early days of the Industrial age.
Until then, as well as the history of mankind, the children were educated by parents. They acquired the Office of parents or were a master craftsman apprentices. Which had resources could hire tutors and thus eligible for a superior Studio to learn a profession. These two methods of education, the apprentice and tutoring, delivered a personalized education that fostered the entrepreneurial skills and creativity of the student. However, the appearance of the factories ended with all this.
Craftsmen could no longer compete with products made in factories and soon there was a massive exodus of fathers from their homes towards the factories, his new workplace. As a result of this revolution in society, many children were left in the street. It was then that intervened for the first time the Government in the massive education of the children and a State education system that had developed as a objective literate to the poor so that they could work and inserted into society.