IE economic situation affects acute acute is the retirement plans of older workers out, so that for a large part of them tough future decisions must be Frankfurt, March 5, 2010 – the economic impact on the retirement plans of older workers, so that for a large part of them tough future decisions must be. 72 per cent of all workers over 60 years known, their face to delay retirement because of financial troubles. A comparison between the sexes showed that three-quarters (76 percent) of female workers over 60 years are currently not in retirement to can go, about 68 percent of the men reported similar. The survey was conducted among over 700 workers in the United States at the age of over 60 years in the period from 5 to 23 November 2009. Financial reasons are not the only key size for the later retirement for workers over 60 years. Other reasons for the delayed retirement from employment include: fun at the current activity, or the workplace (71 percent) health insurance and benefits of an employer (50 percent) fear of monotony after retirement (24%) which used the economy stirs up feeling to werden(15 Prozent) in the minds of older employees their retirement plans to implement fears. As a result many of them remain on the planned date of elimination, with their employer\”, explains Jason Ferrara, senior career Adviser at CareerBuilder. 27 percent of HR managers recorded a rise in the demand for retirement deferred, resulting ultimately in the whereabouts of many older employees. Let your employer know rather sooner than later, that you plan to move your retirement.\”, CareerBuilders website for older workers outlined tips for workers who are planning to take their retirement later than intended. Talk open dialogue with your human resources department search to your company, once you have decided how you plan your retirement.