World experience in operating technical devices shows that the simpler mechanism so it is more reliable and unpretentious treatment, although no such features as a modern product. In one generation Wireless and Mobile Soup complicated by several orders and a modern smartphone is technically very complex and quite fragile and as a consequence of options for breaking big set. However, our per capita consumer warms the perfect word guarantee although only a few users encountered it close mainly due to the fact that we have to change the device to a more modern (fucking prestige pancake) before the expiration of the warranty period. So the bulk of consumers naively believes that coming to the service center with a defective unit will be welcomed there smiling sweetly servismena, who apologized immediately turn trash into a working machine. To a great our regret such an ideal development is so far only in the dreams of a bright capitalist future. Service workers is quite normal ordinary people and their thirst for profit (in fairness, like most of us) is not alien. After a brief dialogue with a free service (if the item is under warranty – it has already paid for repairs), we see that two plus two does not always equal four, and nerve cells do not regenerate. Based on personal experience and taking tips good friend – servismena I tried to make a simple algorithm to communicate with unobtrusive service. When it makes sense to swing right to the service? Every first to answer this question, "When break.