Cloud-based solution sphinx open online opens up pathways to the industry 4.0 and smart factory Constance, 15th November 2013 the future challenges for companies are networking, mobility and efficiency. Smart factory and industry 4.0 are the models of the future. A management information system with mobile services builds the bridge to the development of the production world of tomorrow. The in-built information systems GmbH ( has for that purpose sphinx open online enterprise develops and introduces the technology and its benefits in the Webinar on November 27, 2013 from 15:30 to 16:30. In production environments and complex systems to keep track of situations and to intervene, if necessary means to be fast about current events, as well as relevant data and information at a glance. Accurately and in real time tasks should be delegated, edited and acknowledged after completion.
Sphinx open online mobile keep the overview over sphinx is open online a Management control system, which enables the intelligent networking of facilities, logistics and industry 4.0 with mobile services. The open platform will provide decision-relevant information and support mobile workflows efficiently and this from the cloud. “In the webinar keep control anything anywhere anytime” on 27 November 2013, the participants based on concrete case studies learn how complex situations with the help of this platform can be solved in the future. While the rapid cycle of information, as well as the reflux of the data allow the purposeful acting and reacting. The participants of the Webinars can follow use of own devices in live mode the customizations made live. Excerpt from the content of the Webinar: monitoring and control tasks: information at a glance graphically, mobile and real-time available worldwide integration of data from building, production, technical equipment, energy supply, KPIs, and other data sources support the decision-makers through timely presentation, at Detecting overall situations and analyses in detail local and mobile devices simple parameterization, and cost-efficient use from the cloud of intuitive operation via various end devices directly applicable and can be quickly integrated with enterprise applications in addition are created and deployed the application additional function modules, continuous support as well as a number of new features available.